Time for Almine’s weekly prediction. After this past week’s reprieve, it seems we are fully back into the subject of release again: in this case that of shame and guilt…
Prediction for the week of February 03 – February 09, 2013
In the release of the past shall the moment be set free. Regard the folly of others as the walls of the labyrinth of self-discovery. Release all blame for the mistakes of others, and shame over mistakes of yourself, and this could become a life-changing week.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of January 27 – February 02, 2013
There is a lightness to this week that will be felt as a gift after the intensity of the past months. Allow yourself to breathe out all tension and release the old paradigm. Observe life around you with humor and innocence, allowing your heart to heal. Bring innovation to old ways of doing things and relating to others.
As always, tell us what inspires you of the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
Talk about the universe hitting me with a two by four! last night I came home and I found my home phone and satelite tv were disconnected. I had paid the bill to someone who had called and said they were from the company! To make a long story short, I had been thinking of shutting down both but just never made the time to make the calls. So now I have to find out who and what bill I paid! Hahahaha! so no more bad guys and good guys on tv! It’s happening in my own back yard anyway so there I am! I am so grateful for this site where someone always has the right word of support or comfort!
Oh Siany, Corrien I love you! I am crying as I read your posts! A fifteen year old young man got shot the other morning and died. The townsite surrounds my workplace! I am not afraid for myself, I am so heart broken at the play as it unfolds and feel helpless to do anything more! I do know and feel it is only the ripples flowing outward as the ascension moves upward! Those who cannot change and will not change fall down and I cry!
Is it possible
To see in this moment who you really are
Breathing your self in to existance
To feel joy
No matter what happend to WHAT ?
It is posibble in this life
No matter where you are come play
I just had another insight and that is what does this reflect within me? that question had flickered through me all throughout this week and I was mulling it over on my ride home last night that I have anger and aggression within myself when it comes to corruption, neglect and poverty. Which is why I watch tv shows like CSI, NCIS, NCIS Log Angelos. I love watching tv after a long day at work. I used to stick to the Food channel but have recently been watching those other shows more. So there I have it, a big ball to unravel and I love to unravel things I cannot understand. What is without is within oh boy I have work to do may as well have fun doing it!
YES YES YES YES YES! This weeks is absolutely bang on! xxxxxxxxxx
(ps beloved Lydia, I don’t know what to say to hearing you be in that situation, that’s a heck of a ride! Keep safe & a big hug xx)
Well I certainly did not feel light and free this week, maybe it is the place I am stationed right now where it is intensely dense, what with drugs, guns and violence and leadership corruption running the show and my lone stand that it stops here, now! I find it very interesting that on Sunday last week gang members came to the building where I have my office and threatened to shoot security, they had guns but they did nothing, but run away. They did not shoot. During one of the meditations in the Ultimate Meditation Course, the one where you clear your home and other buildings, I had done that for the building where I work and I truly believe it is that which saved the security staff member on duty that night.
What made me think that because I took a stand on something that it would end there! hahahaha! I just solved my own question! Whew! Enjoy the ride Lydia! I am so grateful for this site for the support and insights it helps me solve. Thank you Almine!
Well, the way forward is certainly clear!