One of your students has very recently mentioned to me that one of the four bands of compassion is the Valley of Tears. So I did my research to more fully understand what she was referring to (and how it may have applied to the year 2023 being one of grief and growth for me) and couldn’t find it anywhere in my library of your much-cherished work.
The Seer:
Unfortunately, this student does exactly what I requested that people using my work royalty-free not do. Mix it with their own inventions.
I suppose one can invent any name and apply it to any part of creation. But I have received no such name as applied to any of the four bands of compassion. To insert it into the information I have received reduces the holiness of the revelations we have been blessed with and only creates confusion.
A Request For Those Using My Work
Inventing catchy names and teachings to promote your attempts to build a business, will have the opposite effect. If you disagree, muscle-test yourself while verbally reading the relevant information in its purity, then muscle-test yourself again while verbally reading the information with your own material inserted, and see the difference.
I should also warn you that to call yourself a Seer for the sake of promotion, when you have not yet overcome the dialog of the mind, is to invite opposition, muscular ailments, and discomfort into your life.
To become a Seer takes years of preparation. It’s a title to be earned and the ancient Toltecs believed that it is a necessary stage to reach before being a teacher of others who seek your help to be free from the bondage of illusion. There are some who have attended one public lecture of mine and have then immediately called themselves Seers and started profiting from teaching others. These deluded ones can expect the karmic consequences of others stealing their clients and that the universe will withdraw its support from such unethical decisions.
Part Two
The Seer:
Arcturian Transmission 5: Healing Negative Emotions: Reality is determined by frequency.
“Hopelessness has arisen among humanity where the few labor diligently to ease the lot of the many. The individual has a field of expression, but a collective field of the many also exists. It is the depth of these age-old fields that seem so overwhelming and work against your best attempts to facilitate the evolution of humanity. “
Explanation Of These Words Of The Arcturians
- A grid is an array of lines of light containing information that dictates how the individual should behave to fit in as part of the whole on a specific planet.”
- Example: Because of the planet’s tilt on its axis, life on Earth has four seasons. A squirrel living on Earth will behave differently as a result, than a squirrel living on a planet without seasons. The squirrels on Earth behavior is dictated by the grid for the species of Earth squirrels.
Further words from the Arcturians:
“There are four fields that overlay one another like grids. They represent the four elements and are the basis of the four directions.”
The Seer: They are referring to four grids around the Earth and its species — not the cosmic bands of compassion.
The cosmic bands of compassion refer to four evolutionary stages of all individuations in the cosmos. This organizing of developmental stages is the largest macrocosmic origin of dividing space and the expression of individuations within it, into four levels of expression.
Explanation of the Arcturian message:
The four grids that they are referring to as being ancient ways to repress mankind (and that work against the attempts of the few to free the many from illusion) are as follows: (they are stacked around each other and around the planet, like Russian dolls:
1. For each individual a grid forms from personal identity (the way a person sees him or herself; the labels that others have given or the individual has given him or herself). No matter where one goes on Earth, one would still express one’s individual personality that forms from identity. This personal grid is comprised of the personal histories of the trillions of people on Earth. Most individuals’ behavior has been shaped by the social conditioning of the society they grew up in.
2. The racial grid: because an individual identifies with a specific race, he or she behaves according to that race’s identity. The role of males and females is a pertinent area of conduct determined by racial norms and belief systems.
3. The third grid around the planet that tells individuals how to behave, is the grid of species. It is, for instance, not acceptable for a human to behave like an animal. There is a grid for each species that tells that species how to live successfully within that species. It tells birds how to migrate or caribou how to move thousands of miles year after year from one location to the next, for instance.
4. The fourth grid around the planet, can be called the Earth’s historical identity. The memories of the planet of its history have dictated value systems and the relationship of humanity to other species.
For instance: Past history could have valued and defined heroism as brute strength and courage in battle, but human history may have taught mankind that moral courage may be more valuable. This kind of change of perspective would have been information stored in this Earth’s history grid. Major religions have attempted to place their dogma into this grid.
“It is the destiny of man to evolve space and time. The directions must cease to exist as rigid, linear space for this transition to occur. Fluid form will allow life’s flow to be more graceful and less oppositional.“
The explanation of this previous paragraph may seem abstract but it is actually quite simple when seen in context:
All four of these grids that dictate the actions of man are rigid programs that curtail individual growth. They bind an individual through programming and social conditioning. When we speak of setting mankind free, it refers to setting him free from programmed behavior into authentic expression.
These different ways of telling us how to behave, have existed as long as life on this planet has and is therefore truly ancient.
These fields are (the following material was part of the Arcturian transmission and not from revelations received by The Seer):
- South
- West
- East
- North
- The Field of War and Anger
- The Valley of Fear
- The Valley of Tears
The Seer explains what they are transmitting:
The above names have been given by star beings (Arcturians) based on prevalent emotions associated with the influence of the previously discussed four grids that dictate our behavior.
The Seer’s Note:
But as I’ve stressed on multiple occasions, other races are struggling to understand humanity (the most complex being in the universe) and cannot accurately give us information about the human and godspecies on Earth. The Arcturians are primarily mind-based and although very intelligent, they lack emotional intelligence.
Part Three
The Seer’s additional comments:
Life is interconnected like a huge web. Unraveling one thread of it (like un-doing the control of repressive programs) unravels all. The most profound cosmic changes must begin from the bottom of density. This means that the race of man (as the densest race) has the opportunity to change the way life unfolds for multiple races, more than any other race.
Each of you can help eliminate these ancient controlling fields. They cannot be tackled directly- they have been accumulating too long(shaped by trillions of lives through the ages). To dissolve them should instead be done by your bringing back that which was lost and therefore that which caused the repressive matrices to arise in the first place. The universe cannot abide by having vacuums. When the four perspectives were lost, life filled the gaps by allowing the previously discussed matrices to form. By proxy, individuals can dismantle the repressive matrices by cultivating the four perspectives.
The Four Perspectives:
- The Inspired Perspective
- The Poetic Perspective
- The Eternal Perspective
- The Adventurous Perspective
To live from these perspectives is the greatest gift you can bestow on all life forms. It allows you to step free from the matrix, by dissolving the fields that have held all captive, this creates an opportunity for all to follow in the footsteps of freedom.
SueB says
thank you Almine (and Tina’s support) for delivering this reminder and clarity on this forum… great discipline and discernment appears to be the inspired focus in this amazing journey unfolding at this time! I am eternally grateful for your clarity and unparalleled contribution to my life Almine. LPGTH
jana says
I wonder if Almine could please give us some guidance about, whether reading a few paragraphs (reading it exactly from the book) is ok when it is clear that the information would assist an individual, during the homeopathy session. I am not teaching any of Almine’s tools, except I sometimes offer the Belvaspata healing, but what I wonder about is whether the reading a few paragraphs from Almine teachings, or book is ok.
Why I am asking is because I have lost some confidence due to not trusting myself, if sharing information given to us by Almine is appropriate or not at times. I share Almine teachings very little, but because I am sometimes not really sure if it is appropriate to share it or not. I have been aware that on deeper level I am suppressing myself, when it comes to sharing Almine’s teachings. I would appreciate very much some guidance in this area. Thank you
Kathleen Frances says
Brilliant through and through!!!
Thank you Beloved Almine for this deeply
hopeful information.
Eternal Love and Blessings✨💖
Mac says
Thank you for this very thorough explication of some complex subject matter!
Dhani says
As well you can purchase the Power sigil sound elixir by SErgey to support these 4 vital perspectives. It is very powerful alchemy that we are unfolding as proxy for the many.
Almine embodies poetry and song in motion.
Annita says
Thank you deeply Almine for the clarity of your explanations. It is very much appreciated. With LPGTH
YuYu iAm says
ye wisdom given is priceless.
Vanessa says
Deeply greatful for this post Beloved Almine..
Much Love Praise Gratitude Trust Hope and Rsspect
Lynette Ruest says
As always, Almine show us the way out of matrices – The Four Perspectives – while others teach what has been and make it seem new. Thank you Beloved for your clear answers.