Today we will share the last part -for now- of the Wisdom of the Lemurian Angels series. See the earlier posts of parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to get the full backstory.
When we left you in the last post we were talking about Infinite Alchemy and the fractal patterns of the cosmos in posts 21 and 22:
21. Infinite Alchemy works with the fractal patterns of the cosmos. A simple original pattern duplicates itself over and over again with increasing added complexity. By focussing on the original simple pattern and changing that, all other generations of patterns immediately change.
22. When external forces (air, food, water, etc.) are seen to be your sustenance, you make the outer circumstance the central fractal pattern that controls your reality. When it changes, so do you.
And now for the conclusion:
23. When you live from the deep authenticity of your being, guarded by self-examination but free of self-reflection (that which is based on comparison) you are the central moving force of your environment.
24. Transformation is part of linear change, and is the gift of physical life. It is that which eliminates that which is no longer needed. Elimination of any part of existence is understood as an illusion when the fractal nature is understood. Change the original pattern and all changes.
25. Alchemy is high-alchemy when the practitioner is part of the equation. The object of alchemy is to leverage something from one level to another; to have the sum-total of the equation be more than the addition of its parts. To try to leverage the environment, rather than yourself as the core moving force of your reality, is to make the circumstances be the focal moving-point. All alchemy must therefor be self-alchemy.
For now this is the end of the Wisdom of the Lemurian Angels, but don’t be surprised to see its return soon. Do check out the earlier parts of the series for many insights of the Lemurian Angels, who’s names have been sung by Almine in multiple youtube clips like this one:
Calling the Lemurian Angels Part 12 (Angels 221-240)
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