From your explanation of what an occlusion or blindspot is, it sounds like an occlusion is an externally-imposed manipulation on the individuation versus an inherent necessary aspect of their individuation. Is that correct?
The Seer:
An occlusion could be an externally acquired loss of clarity because of programming, but it could also be a personality trait that is an inherent flaw; a deliberate blind spot of perception. It is through our blind spots that our unique perspectives (which is the gift of individuations to Infinite Life) are formed.
Alex Murray says
When The Original Ones and by proxy humanity say no to these measures of control, the protectors from Jupiter will wake up and put a protective grid around our solar system. Protecting us from any attack from hostile Aliens.
Denise Lines says
Hi Tina……………If an OO successfully shed his or her personality, can we assume that all occlusions and blind spots are eliminated? Or……………….would you still have occlusions inherent of being an individuation?
Thank you so much for the answer and question.