I once heard The Seer say that the book “The Bridge of No Time” was an essential tool for those of us who are Rune Masters. Could you please explain why?
The Seer:
From the perspective of the soul world (the etheric realms), the answers to many physical decisions can clearly be seen. The soul is also called “The Higher Self”. The Runemaster taps into this realm’s ability to give guidance to physical life. He or she is able to cross The Bridge of No Time between life and death (the dream symbol for this ability, is the white owl) by using the runes as a form of language from the person involved‘s higher self or soul.
Message from the Spiritual Journeys’ order fulfillment manager: We still have some soft-cover physical books of the Bridge of No Time left for those of you who would like to make it an addition to your gnostic library. Please send an email to Tina ( if you are interested.
Stephen says
Hmm there was a white owl in my dream time last night, it was perched some distance away, it flew over to me and sat perched right in front of me, but it looked sad and it was shiffering as though it was cold, it asked me for my fur lined jacket witch I place it around it ,I noticed there were 3 white baby owls shielded under her out stretch wings, there was a dog right next to me his head next to mine we were just a few inches away from the owl and her broad, there was a bird cicleling high above, not sure what type maybe a eagle ? One other thing I occasionally have a feminine essence telling me to slow down, especially when I have been doing the study it feels genuine?? Thanks you are always in my heart my friend’s
Dhani says
Thank you for sharing these insights with all of us. Greatly appreciated.
MaeMae says
Ohh as always these posts sync up to my daily life. White owls have been showing up for me all week in symbolism and dreams
Denise Lines says
Hi Tina……………Is it possible for Almine to explain the difference between the Higher Self and the Greater Self?
Barbara Kathryn says
I was just wondering that too.
Ciara Young says
I believe she already has done dear Denise…
She explained that while the higher self refers to the soul, she uses the term Greater Self to refer to the full self that is outside of and beyond the matrices of linear change/mirrors (including soul), so that it’s clear what exactly we’re talking about, and that we are not turning to the “higher self” as in new age teachings for guidance, which would just take us round in a loop.