In this classic video from 2008, Almine outlines the functional and dysfunctional manifestations of our subpersonalities. It’s the condition of our inner family that is manifested externally in our relationships with others.
★Now Available★
Fragrance Alchemy for Your Subpersonalities
Immediately afterwards, or within moments of watching I am able to heal my relationships which have been seemingly toxic with my family members.. thank you Almine and mother INfinite being for her wisdom i am indebted to you and for see great wisdom coming from within unfolding outwards 🙂
Dearest Almine – I remember when I first listened to this video… I was in awe ! and now, 3 years later I still am! Such wisdom such insight! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these words that will help me to move forward to a “better place” for me… Love and gratitude
Connected with this message. Truthfully.
Thank you for this video message Almine!
So exciting and perfect timing, as I chose a Divinity Quest card today #52, I went back to listen to the course Mastering the tools of Godhood, listening to your discourse of this principle … these oils are going to be so wonderfully welcomed. Thank you Almine for hearing our/my heart’s calling, and answering in perfect timing/synchronicity. My love to you always. ( I ordered the oils to try) 🙂