This installment of Awakening from the Dream is officially known as the “The Loving Depth Of My Being, Connecting To Yours” episode, but is also known as the “No Blessings Today” episode. Jan, Rogier and Niels discuss desires and expectations as an intro into a fantastic 20 minute audio by Almine where she discusses the changing ways of her teachings. What programs lie over the feminine? How can a blessing be counterproductive… and what does the silence of a life of no opposites do? We had a laugh with this one!
Listen to the show here.
To give you a little more background on Almine’s audio in the above mentioned show, we share this little Q&A session with Almine, which we had after the first episode of Down the Rabbit Hole – Almine’s newest online course. The topic at hand is that of giving a blessing. Enjoy!
Q: There must be something you can give us, a sigil, a wheel, or a blessing to strengthen Creation…
A: No, the only thing I can strengthen, is the spark within everyone. That can only be done by me being fully in this complete fullness of Oneness. From here, I embrace wholeheartedly what is delivered to my door everyday. No matter if it makes sense or not. From living from the Oneness as best as I can, it is the blessing. From here, the loving depth of my being, connects to yours. When someone escapes the matrix it is a blessing. When they express fully, everyone’s spark is strengthened. There are only silent words. A song that is felt in the cells.
Patricia says
Niels, Right…right… Your second paragraph occurred to me as well after I made my post! I clicked the post button and then I was like “Oh….wait a minute…., I’m confused” Lol.
I wonder if “the lesson” of something mirroring to us, is not so much that it’s this undesirable thing within us that needs to be reconciled as I have been interpreting them (which I suspect is what the web programs want us to believe), but rather coming to understand it simply a perception we have that it is an “opposite” (an issue or foe)….which is actually part of a program of the web we are partaking in. The lesson then being that we are simply running a program of the web…. hmmmm…
Niels says
Hello Patricia,
You are spot on! The opening and closing thoughts I share are usually older aphorisms with older viewpoints. We hoped the listeners would catch exactly what you just did, meaning: Having multiple insights, wisdoms, aphorisms, perspectives on 1 subject can help you, as would steppingstones, to go beyond that subject or theme.
In the case of mirroring and learning, indeed, to know about these within the dream is helpful. The can be steppingstones to move lightly and fluidly within the dream. Outside of the dream they don’t have value.
Glad you liked the show!
Team Almine
PS: For those who are thinking, what are these two going on about, this was the closing thought for the Awakening show:
Any person revealing issues to you is mirroring something within yourself.
This is why you have come to learn, not to teach.
Patricia says
Dearest Niels, wonderful show again, thank you. In regards to the statement you closed with regarding mirroring and learning, ….. I just want to comment that per Almine, specifically in the Cameron Steele show a couple weeks ago that had “forgiveness” in the title, … “mirroring and lessons” only exist in the spider web a.k.a. fishbowl. That one only has to “learn” lessons within the spider web. In other words, it’s part of the illusion of opposites. 🙂