Almine’s new prediction for the upcoming week is out:
Prediction for the week of November 11 – November 17, 2012
This week could shift paradigms in a way that would create bodily detoxification symptoms. Create ample opportunities for rest and sleep. Allow yourself to feel the motives behind your words and the words of others.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of November 4 – November 10, 2012
This is bound to be a week of profound opportunities for accessing the eternal peace of our being. Feel the still contentment within. Acknowledge the blessings of little things and find your center through short periods of solitude.
Great description Niels, thanks!
About motives, I have indeed been challenged, today actually by someone whose words and attitude on the surface was kind, but behind all that there definitely was an intention of pulling me down, planting weeds of doubt in me and placing herself above me, telling me how she can tell what I am feeling etc. An old theme coming up to be resolved I think. I am glad I was prepared. My own motives as well were examined… I just love how the predictions fall perfectly into my everyday experiences, actually often I am a bit ahead of schedule, but this week it was right on 🙂
Yes the synchronicity of it all, I love it…
Niels, that’s a genius description (self examination being like a little adventure of discovery to see what is hiding within yourself). Adventure = an exciting prospect rather than something to be feared. Little = no need for big dramas or to create a big circus about it. Hiding = what is found within is all hidden treasure which begins to glisten when it’s brought to light & these hidden depths of riches are found. I like, I like, I like! That description feels very good. Thank you (& the 9 steps in the recapitulation post, yes please, bring it on!)
Hahaha, don’t worry, Siany. The 9 steps to let go of the past are coming soon :)…
Team Almine
Yes! Yes! Yes! This is exactly what I was asking. Thank you, Niels. And can I just check that I have understood something… self examination is when we simply ask a direct question within, out of curiosity but without judgement about what you find… like ‘mmm, why do I feel I did that?’ or ‘why did I say that I wonder’? But we know we have stumbled into self reflection territory if we start judging & comparing ourselves to fabricated illusion/s based on what we think we should be, or how we compare to others, or what we think we have to be in order to be feel accepted & loved etc? (a bit like having pesky hallucinagenic holograms that hauntingly hang around you that aren’t actually real & so there’s absolutely no point wasting any precious energy on worrying about them or comparing & judging ourselves against them etc?
I think that is a very nice summary, Siany. Examination is like a little adventure of discovery to see what is hiding within yourself. Reflection is jugging yourself to something, be it an outside example or an inside ideal image.
Niels, I had goosebumps reading this. Yesterday I had been thinking about motives behind words. It came into my mind so clearly & I was beginning to ask myself this very question… & then today I read this prediction!
I truly love it when this happens. And it is happening more often, the undeniable synchronicities.
What I particularly liked about this prediction for the upcoming week by Almine was the focus on looking at motives of others, and particularly, myself. Why do I do the stuff that I do? What is it I want to gain? Where am I acting out of fear, or a perceived lack?
Good questions to pose oneself. As Almine has mentioned… using self-examination, but not self-reflection (which compares to the outside world or inside ideals).
Interesting to see what the week will bring…
Team Almine