“Hello. I am in New Zealand (first to see the light in the World). I would like to be able to get the Calendar of Oneness sigils and angels for the right day for me here in NZ. Otherwise I am always running a day behind and that kinda doesn’t feel right to me … what do you think?” ~ Jenni
Sometimes, asking a question helps! We try to answer as many questions as we can, and we get a lot on a daily basis. Sometimes Almine can clarify things up herself. As with Jenni’s question…
“Our light family in Australia and other countries where it would appear that the release of the daily Calendar of Oneness comes a day late, in fact, will be affected by the release of the daily Infinite Intent in real time. In this instance the date line established by humanity does not apply. The entire world is affected by the Infinite’s expression at the exact moment that the daily revelation is given. By the time it is posted in Oregon it is already several hours old. By the time it reaches Australia it could be a day behind on the calendar, yet the calendar of humanity does not affect the fact that everyone is simultaneously impacted. Please bear in mind that this is a non-cyclical calendar unaffected by dates and linear time.” ~ Almine
Hope this clears things up a bit, Jenni, and thank you for giving rise to this beautiful answer. Of course you and anyone reading the diary can always contact us at sj@almine.net with questions, poetry, insights, miracles or testimonials. We love to hear from you.
Something else.amazing that happened also in the last year. We got a new kitten. I sent a video of him to Almine. It now turns out that HE is a SHE and about to have kittens.
Well to go back to the early stages.This kitten was so unusual and had the most extraordinary personality.
He used to watch me write and studied my thumb.He would then look at his paws and try to make sense of what I had and he didn’t.One day he hopped up on the desk beside me and took my pen and wrapped his two paws around it.He then put the pen in his mouth and tried to push it across the paper.I’m not sure what he was trying to say.or indeed if he ever did compose anything.
He then started to explore the house.One day,while there was just the two of us in the house,I heard some commotion upstairs.I knew he was up there.He had climbed onto a book case and promptly removed a book and rolled it down the stairs. This book was a comic book about the Planets. I asked him what he wanted me to do with this book.He kept looking at me and looking at the book.
I picked up the book and put it on another shelf.downstairs
The book disappeared and has never been seen since.He also removed heavy bedclothes from one of the beds. .All this ,while only a six week old kitten.
One night he hopped into my son’s bed and adopted the human position,by stretching out,full length along my son’s body. My son had been very stressed at the time but soon discovered that this little creature was a great destresser.
Another time he jumped onto my son’s laptop and pushed his hands from the keyboard and kinda forced him to play away from the computer.
This little treasure’s name was Jessy but now we have to get used to Jessica,as he is female.
We dont know how to deal with kittens or how to stop animals from having so many babies.She has been a blessing and a miracle for our family. She has helped us in so many ways and we are so grateful .I discovered so much about emotions and feelings of cats and other animals.
This is so exciting to write about. I feel I should tell the world about this experience,
For me personally, I feel that asking a question helps.
A few days ago I asked why my tool box was missing certain tools.I was momentarily puzzled and fussed about the issue.I stayed in the moment and next minute I found myself in the garage where I found not just the tools I was looking for ,but the solution to another problem that was hanging there for so long.Certain things had been put out for me and placed in my path. I know for sure that they were not there earlier.I sorta felt that little garden divas or angels had dropped by and helped out.this was a great feeling indeed.
Another amazing thing happened too.A few year ago I purchased an unusual fruit tree that liked heat. I put it in my green house where it grew 10 times bigger than was stated on the catalogue. It produced an abundant crop of exotic fruit. I was informed that this plant would last a long time.Within its first year of life,Jack Frost came along and took away my beautiful plant.It died.
I was sad. i asked why this had happened. I asked the man in the shop , I asked my angels. I gave up and decided that tropical plants were high maintenance and risky.
To my unbelievable amazement ,surprise and heart felt ecstasy something revealed itself OUTSIDE in a cold place in my garden.I couldn’t believe my eyes.I kept looking and looking.There was my tropical plant ,growing outside and in full bloom during the winter months. The fruits developed and it appeared so happy,doing its own thing.It was kinda telling me that it knew itself what to do.It’s summer fruits appeared in Winter
I was so so so happy with this and so thankful to the plant and to the garden angels and divas.
This made me love the garden even more.
Love to share these great stories.
My guess is if our awareness is in or at least focused on the reality of Oneness, we will have the calendar real time as we are essentially one with it…. just like the loaf of bread in the bakery. 🙂 If not anything else, the message that I am getting over and over again from all of the information uncovered since November is to “let go” and stop trying to “think” or “control” or even “understand too much”, which are related to identity consciousness. We “are” everything we need. Therefore it’s all good. 🙂 With that said, all the sigils and artwork I find as warming reminders of “home”… (Oneness) and am so thankful for their beauty and inspiration.