Why are there eight oils in the new High Magic set?
High Magic accesses the laws of manifestation in the eight layers of existence. Each of the eight layers contributes through the practitioner’s body to the magic. High Magic works with limitlessness and endlessness — it is far more powerful than any magic we have had.
The eight oils of High Magic that are now released, have power sigils of their own in an extremely high and advanced language. In addition, there are eight alchemical power sigils that belong to the Eight Fields of Existence (all of which are utilized in High Magic), that you can place under the oils when storing them overnight.
Why does the set contain two masculine and six feminine oils?
Although we had to indicate whether a specific oil would appeal to a male or a female (e.g. for wives wanting to gift their husbands), the oils are in fact perfectly balanced between the masculine and feminine nature of existence. To explain: there are two masculine and two feminine alchemical oils. The other four represent two oils for the masculine of the feminine, and two for the feminine of the masculine. In order to work with the High Magic set, you need not concern yourself with what oil is for what gender. Their overall purpose is to open the gates of High Magic in the body.
Where should I apply the oils in the Subpersonalities sets, as well as the Oils of High Magic?
To clarify, there are two points you should be aware of:
- The eight fields of existence — accessed by High Magic — applies to external space. They can be called the cardinal points of space. The subpersonalities (described by ancient seers as vast rivers that run through all of existence) are in fact the cardinal points of inner space. As you store the oils on the alchemical sigils of the Eight Fields of Existence, their capacity to form portals between inner and outer space is enhanced.
- When in doubt, all alchemical oils can be applied successfully to the bottoms of the feet. However, there are specific points on the body where the portals form. Apply oil 1 to point 1, and so forth (as per the illustration). Per this newly revealed relationship between the Subpersonalities and the Eight Fields of Existence, the Subpersonalities oils should be placed on the exact same eight bodily points. (Updated Sunday, June 4, 2017)
- The Inner Nurturer (place on point 1 along with High Magic oil number 1 — Oasis Sunset).
- The Inner Child (place on point 2 along with High Magic oil number 2 — Prince of Egypt).
- The Inner Sage (place on point 3 along with High Magic oil number 3 — Velvet Nights).
- The Inner Warrior (place on point 4 along with High Magic oil number 4 — Seven Veils).
- The Wild Woman (place on point 5 along with High Magic oil number 5 — Moonlight Garden).
- The Inner Babe (place on point 6 along with High Magic oil number 6 — Essence of Magic).
- The Inner Adventurer (place on point 7 along with High Magic oil number 7 — Desert Dawn).
- The High Mind (place on point 8 along with High Magic oil number 8 — Starlight on Aswan).
They’ve arrived! The eagerly anticipated Eight Alchemical Oils of High Magic, are ready to ship.
Highly recommended for use with your Timemap (as explained in Almine’s upcoming webinar). An essential tool for the masters who are preparing for the stage beyond Resurrection — the limitless life of Incorruptible White Light; a life of High Magic.
Je serais intéressée par les huiles ”magic” si celles-ci sont traduites en français.
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I have received the precious gift of these gloriously expansive oils and look forward with great expectancy to experiencing the alchemy of leveraged results when working with the Cosmic Time Map and daily mantras. I am all the more excited about the upcoming Webinar!! With Praise, Love and Gratitude ~
…A little more about the application of the Fragrance Alchemy oils:
You can read more about the Fragrance Alchemy oils for the subpersonalities on our Fragrance Alchemy website, click on the “Sets” section. As explained in this post, the subpersonality concepts and their Fragrance Alchemy oils, the Timemap 2017 and the 8 Fragrance Alchemy Oils of High Magic are all inter-connected…
Subpersonality Sets (2 sets, with 4 oils in each set)
~ Feminine Set/4 (Horizontal):
Application: No specific locations are given for application of these oils.
All oils can be applied to the soles of the feet.
~ Masculine Set/4 (Vertical):
Application: Some specific locations are given for application of these oils, you can use them.
All oils can be applied to the soles of the feet.
Note that the High Magic oils state it is preferred to apply the oils to the portals that form on the body, #1-8 (as given in this post). In a pinch…If you were caught without directions, you could apply any of the oils to the soles of the feet.
Thank you for your question Shoshana, requesting “audio file, CD or pdf of updated info on transmutation, transformation, transfiguration and transcendence”. Please see the directions for Timemap 2017, “How to Use Your Timemap” for the definition: “What is Transcendence”. In addition, these directions include an excerpt from the book, “Life of Miracles” on the the inner subpersonality information used with the Timemap (Child, Sage, Warrior and Nurturer).
Exciting News! So happy to have the updates on where to put the oils for the Subpersonalities! Looking forward to this amazing new journey about to unfold!
Thank you Almine, Ronni & The A-Team!
For Point 4, it seems to be at the throat area. Is this correct? OR is it below the throat- at the high heart, sternum area.
As always, so much gratitude to beloved Almine for all of this information, and to Rogier and Team Almine for organizing it all for us.
Thank you for the question Dhani. According to Almine’s direction, #4 oil should be applied on the area of the High Heart, which is typically described as 2-3 finger-widths below the sternal notch (the sternal notch is located at the top of the sternum or breastbone). It’s been requested that the drawing be modified to show this more clearly, but at least we have clarification on the location.
Okay thanks Jan. 🙂
Dear Almine, In addition to Vanessa’s comment – is there a way to get some audio file/CD /pdf of an update on transmutation, transformation, transfiguration and transcendence. It would be nice to have the most up to date understanding of these areas as well especially as we work with the time maps and the oils together. Looking forward to your webinar on time maps in March.Thank you so much for all that you do and share with us.
Dear Almine , thankyou for this , yet more Divine Syncronicities as I had Fragrance Alchemy class last night ! I wonder if Almine you would consider creating a cd for the Inner Sub personalities for the horizontal axis as there have been updates , so for The Inner Babe , The adventurer, The wild woman and High Mind . I have found yes they are older cds that you had previously e.g. The Power of Self Reliance” where you go into depth of the first 4 inner sub personalities . I feel a cd on the latter Inner babe etc , or audio on more indepth of the horizontal sub personalties would be great , just a suggestion 🙂 with love praise gratitude and trust always