Almine shares stories of sadness, emptiness, nausea, mucus, fatigue, and strange bodily vibrations, as reported by participants of her July 2018 Retreat in Ohio. She explains how these phenomena relate to our core existential grief, lodged in the atom, and she details the origin of this deep sorrow, trillions of years ago.
August 11, 2018:
The Answer (Entering the Realm of the One)
Rogier this is the music I was speaking about. Is there a composer or title you could share?
Very Grateful ♥️
I am grateful for this page, the comments.
I thought I was being attacked by astral entities. This gives me hope. Thank you. Brook
Thank you, Almine. This is also where I’m at now. I have dealt with sometimes almost unbearable grief for the last one or two years (it became easier in the last few months), but it has culminated (as far as I can see for now) in everything you describe here.
Thank you for sharing this information Almine it helps make sense of so many things.
I have also been feeling very fatigued, digestion issues, body pains and unexplained dizziness (from time to time). My appetite has changed, I used to crave chocolate and find I don’t desire it in the way I used to.
I keep in spite of all we are moving through and will through to the end.
My deep love, gratitude and respect for you Almine! This explains the state I am in. Sadness, lung- and stomach problems and immense fatigue and pain in my body. I am more than willing to release old grief and welcome the beautiful newness and change together with you and my light family. Thank you for everyone’s sharing about this important process <3
Thanks to Almine for her amazing insights & information in this recording!
I have had very few, mild symptoms since Ohio (unlike others’ feedback), however that’s typical for me so I’m OK with feeling “different” from many others 🙂 Perhaps that is thanks to my being very balanced & grounded plus decades of self-work in this lifetime?
I appreciate everyone else’s comments since this multi-directional dialog is helping others, too!
This message from Almine has helped and comforted me so much. THANK YOU.
“Faithless he is who says farewell when the road darkens” ~ Gimli
Thank you seer , Team and light family
Thanks to Almine for these amazing insights. Beginning this January, I started waking up at night dehydrated. Since, I’ve been drinking nearly a gallon of water during my normal sleep hours, in addition to the near gallon per day I always have. I have also experienced the purging, vibration and listlessness symptoms mentioned.
I know that in many of my lifetimes – not just this one – I’ve gotten overdoses of what Almine has called “The madness in the dream” and prayed for an exit to what has seemed endless rinse-repeat cycles of dualistic extremes. If these purging and ascension processes are the exit route, then I’m all in favor of it.
Thank you, beloved Almine. I have felt so weak and nauseous and phlegmy and uninterested in life. I thought that it would be a good option if I was just dissolved!! I love you.
Definitely awe-inspiring, helping strengthen my resolve. I am in deep reverence and gratitude, Beloved Almine, for this profound information❤️
Hi Almine and thank you so much for this information, I vomited so much that I thought my whole insides were being damaged I though it must be something i had eaten , but it just continued and continued so I knew it wasnt that, my ribs were very strained and extremely sore for a good couple of days after. Also I have been experiencing aches and pains more than normal all over my body really and feeling very tired and a bit fed up . Im feeling much better now though apart from feeling tired but then again Iv e been feeling tired on and off for a while now , anyway now I know what was the reason for it , thank you so much for giving us this information. 🙂
Can there be any greater gift?
Thank you Beloved Almine . This is very helpful to say the least. I knew all the symptoms were some massive clearing but to have the details of it is a relief.
All my love and gratitude to you
Omg dear Almine this is the answer to a week long prayer! No words to convey the depth of gratitude for the indescribable miracle of you and your presence in our lives as the one true teacher and Source of all grace in existence… I’ve literally spend every night before sleeping this week crying out to the Infinite to please answer what on Earth is going on, I’ve felt like I was “dying inside” is the only way I can describe it. I’ve had dark times but this is worse than anything I’ve ever previously experienced, and it came completely out of nowhere following the Ohio retreat (I wasn’t even at the retreat). It’s felt like “everything has been lost”, the type of desperate where you just drop everything and pray, existential isn’t even the word for it! I so resonate with the comments shared by whoever wrote in.
I am in such deep respect for each who are so courageously going through this, and much as I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, am so relieved to hear that I’m not the only and that this is a normal part of this transition. I knew in my heart this is what we asked for and that it was a truly blessed release for which there is no option but surrender, but was starting wonder if areas of my own life where there is any shred of anything remaining “unresolved” in terms of what we’ve experienced as the dream of separation were simply so much worse than I’d thought and that I’d just been deluding myself about all this healing all along, and should give up my work and walk away from everything… just no words to say how grateful I am for this message, it’s honestly life-saving.
Oh, my. So many tears. I have run the gamut of emotions and physical sensations since attending the Ohio Retreat. Now it is mainly heavy fatigue and feeling physically depleted. My stomach has been vibrating so strongly, I would describe it as strong fluttering sensation. It has woken me up out of sleep many nights. I have been dizzy. I very quickly and clearly know when food choices need to change. I continue to read the 288 Songs of the Earth, even when I feel empty of any interpretive ability. I find that just reading them clears my energy and I effortlessly know my next step – even if it is just to make dinner or do a load of laundry or go through the mail. There continues to be new depth of feeling of being One with all things…the revelation that some cells, and therefore atoms, have traveled with me always…oh my, such an abyss of emotions I am ready to release, such deep love and gratitude to these atoms. Let us let go together.
Love this Holly, “let us go together.” Beautiful atoms.
I am so glad to hear this today as it provides such inspiration and hopefulness.
My body vibrates and some part as I sleep feels like they are not there. Heavy feeling that I need to rest and just be at all time. pressure on my head on and off. I am thirsty at all time, every couple of hours I need water. This happened to me with ever stage more or less the same and started again right after the ceremony yesterday. I am not sad but no feeling at all. Thank you . Yes it is time to let go and with reverence I release and welcome this beautiful newness and change.
Listening to the clip, I felt sadness like a hole in my stomach-sinking endlessly.
This is absolutely incredible information.
Ahhh what a time to bring up the Moringa leaf to support one through this!