Today we post the last part of an article that was recently featured in the Sedona Journal of Emergence. It consists of an interview with Almine that was taken as a result of the epic Down the Rabbit Hole online course.
Wait. The Infinite One did not create Creation?
It did not. It has never created. It does not hold on to form beyond its unfoldment in the moment. It only gives rise to temporary expressions by emphasising parts of its own being, fluidly flowing from one to the next. Creation as we know it has been the little playground of the fallen Supergods. Who wanted to create for themselves and not just express the inspiration they got. What we see in duality are the pieces of the Gods who shattered in their rebellion, in their fall. In their loss of Oneness. That which the Infinite is, cannot be created, nor can it die.
The Infinite’s Embodiment, the body of all life, could not understand why, when limitless was offered to these expressions, they would choose to leave and lock themselves up in such pain. In great perplexity the Infinite wanted to bring them home. And entered the spiderwebs; the sticky programs that hold together this drop in the Ocean.
Once there, the Supergods immediately did everything in their power to suppress and capture the Infinite with programs of separation and illusion. For she was the great threat to their playground.
Is this creation? Is this what you have exited?
Yes. This is Creation. That momentary drop in the Ocean that seems to have gone on for ages, but in reality lasts but a heartbeat. Yet for those trapped inside of it, for those who call this madness home, it has seemed as survival during eons of time. It is the creation of the fallen Supergods, made from the essence of the Infinite Ocean. Fluidity hold into place by programs, by beliefs and dogma’s. Yet, your inner essence -beyond concepts of fracturing of soul or even spirit- remembers home. And it can get out, if it so desires…
As I walk the freshly snowed streets of my little home city in the South of the Netherlands, the words of my friend flutter into my mind again. Uttered from that place that can be described with a thousand words, but none seem to be enough. From that strange place, with those amazing stories, she encourages me to wonder about my own life:
Where do I still judge the unjudgeable. The unfathomable. Where do I still judge life? If this life is truly but a fluidly forming dream, then where am I still holding on to things beyond their time? Oh, hello old grudges! And who have we been praying to? Who have we been wailing against? It seems the Creator is not the Infinite One. How do I perpetuate this mad Creation, by wanting to create myself, instead of effortlessly and fluidly letting existence unfold through me? And what does that look like in my own life; refined enjoyment of Self?
This is an article from the upcoming book by Almine and Niels called “Messages from Beyond the Madness – An Interview with Almine”, due to be released by in 2012. In it Almine describes her journey beyond Creation, how it began and most importantly, how to go beyond Creation and thus become a blessing to all you encounter as you carry within you the remembrance of Home.
This concludes our 4 part interview with Almine about A Life of No Opposites and becoming a blessing. Read up on the rest of this fascinating article in parts one, two and three. We hope you enjoyed this epic account of creation.
Tip: We just updated our post from a few days ago about eliminating interference from the dreamtime and ghosts of the past. It has a fifth wheel for you to work with. See the post here.
The 3 sigils Corrien listed seemed familiar from Kaanish Belvaspata, but couldn’t find those ones. I did find
For complete trust in the perfection of the One Life – Level 2 p.58
Say it loud and be heard,
I am proud to be a nerd!
They were first released as part of the material of Down the Rabbit Hole. So, if you check the course, Niels, you’ll find them. They are also in the Belvaspata of Oneness, in the section of Atlantean sigils used to heal and cleanse the 24 chakras; but the above functions are not given in the BVP of Oneness handbook.
Avril, I think I’m a more accomplished type of nerd.
Almine never ceases to amaze me with new ways of revealing truths that are so infintily odvious. She gives a voice to the inner being inside of me waiting to be release from its cage.
“Yet, your inner essence -beyond concepts of fracturing of soul or even spirit- remembers home. And it can get out, if it so desires…”
Yes, it does so desire!
Thoughtful reflections/contemplations Niels. Woohoo on the upcoming book!
Thanks Noor!
Sigil name Melsech nivastra.
Reealsing all addicties to form.
Sigil name Kivarus Meseret.
Dissolving programs of distrust against the Infinite one.
Sigil name Utret bars hura.
Surrender to trust in the benevolence off the Infinite one.
Corrien, can you tell me where these can be found?
Team Almine
Niels i think Its from the course down to the rabbit hole as Marc is saying.
I have them at home three is also à Sigil for removing Birth trauma in these Sigils.