With so many possible difficulties in our environment to prepare for, I am overwhelmed as to know what to start preparing for. Where is the best place to start?
The Seer:
To prepare for anything, start with a strong foundation:
• Get out of debt
• Strengthen your immune system by eating healthy food and good nutrition
• Increase your proficiency in different skills – this presents new options.
Then focus on what is the most immediate challenge. One step at a time. If a difficulty looms, so do the solutions present themselves — watch for these. Use the guidance of your dreams and signs in your environment (Get the free Dream Dictionary here).
The most imminent challenges are global food and water shortages due to disrupted supply lines, and a very serious drought.
Is it working against Infinite intent to use the Earth Healing BVP to alleviate the drought? This may sound like a strange question though it is sincere. We were told back in 2018 not to work toward healing some of the hurricane activity and to stop worrying about saving humanity.
Thank you!
Thank you for this incredibly valuable question and answer! 🙏