Having extra of a food or other necessary product will enable you to be able to trade with a neighbor. In our town, many are salmon fishermen and may have smoked fish to trade. Smoked salmon, especially when smoked at a low temperature, can be lethal to someone with a compromised immune system. But there are many healthy vitamins and minerals in fish. How should you, therefore, respond while still keeping your family safe?
Salt, smoke, and heat are the three common factors in hot-smoking salmon. Fish smoked without proper salting and cooking can make people sick, besides potentially being lethal. That’s because many dangerous bacteria can, and will, grow under the conditions normally found in the preparation and storage of smoked fish. I suggest that you graciously accept it. Then, later, heat it up to 150 to 160 degrees F and eat as is or use it to make sauces or sandwiches. Guidelines for home smoker devices must be carefully studied and adhered to.
~ The Seer Almine
Though I don’t eat it – I Thank you for the sharing of this insight dear Almine. My ex husband gifted me two jars of flower honey some time back which I have stored away to have on hand with the intention that I may be able to trade them if necessary. And Thank you too Tina for posting it.
I thought we were encouraged to go vegan.
Hi Greg, we are encouraged to eat vegan but since we don’t know what the future holds, food-wise, other options are being given. Also one can trade the salmon if you don’t want to eat the fish yourself.