THE SEER’S NOTES ABOUT THE MIND OF “THE DOOR TO THE DIVINE” — the automatic mind of matter
“ When I was receiving the revelations of the sigils for the four newly created minds of man, an unusual occurrence took place: although I was receiving the sigils in a very specific order, the information that was to be written on the sigil of the Door to the Divine (as well as the related Angelgod name), inserted itself as a daily vision to me. I was given the following information:
The Angelgod for the sigil is Sayhu-esklava (another unusual occurrence was that the Angelgod name was in a different language than the others received for the newly awakened minds) The words that will be on the sigil are:
Krihabar = doorway
Sersatu = opening to
Ereksta-Ishvanes = higher realms
But then when I finally received the sigil for this mind of matter, the new information given, was different than what I had received before.
The Angelgod now is: Haraskenechvi
The words on the sigil are:
Vihatukles— the gift of
Merech-tanachvi— material life
Susavat-subachvi—eternal perspectives
I was puzzled why so much had changed, until the Angelgod Haraskenechvi said: “because matter has changed.” As I asked further questions, he explained: The expansion of the cosmos called the Red Road was life as a reflection of the outer experience of the Self that the Infinite was having (the expansion of individuated life was like the outward folding of a tube torus). The recent global chaotic destructuring of systems was the result of the tube toral movement bending over its outer edge; folding over the limits of its expansion. A boost of emotion was felt around the world (especially among the Original Ones) to provide the impetus to reverse the cosmic expansion and begin its implosion (The Blue Road “home”— life as a reflection of the Infinite’s inner experience of Itself ).
The journey back to Source would be initiated and spearheaded by Spiritualized Matter. Matter is the portal to a more refined expression of life. It provides an eternal perspective that can only be experienced in physicality. It is in material life where the four minds of man will become one: eternal mind. This was the reason for the changes of matter; it’s become an alchemical equation of all four minds producing evolved matter.”
“The blessing of living from an eternal perspective is the accomplishing of inner peace.”
~ The Seer Almine
Note from Tina: The day before this was written, The Seer had mentioned to me that matter had changed over the past week, as we were discussing the two different versions of the information for the Door to the Divine’s Power Sigil. I was interested to know more about this and asked if she would provide us with more information. So grateful she did! The remaining Power Sigils for the ‘minds’ will be posted a week apart, beginning on March 29th.
Previous: An Alternative Answer
Related: The Magical Mind Power Sigil
Oh this is so wonderful!! I had emailed the same question via Rogier….although I did not know exactly what I was asking. But this is the information. Thank you dear Almine!!
Thanks Tina!! So glad you are there !
wow,,,talk about clarity, Thank you beloved Tina for the question. I am deeply grateful for the answer Seer Almine.
I felt the shift, for manifestations around me seem quite amazing. Simple, clear, right to the point with no logic around it. I learned much these past few days just by observing and participating. I wonder what changes are happening now.
Wow, thank you Beloved Almine, and thank you Tina for assisting in this.
Every day is a miracle!
Amazing…. How will this effect life… Hmm
So much to discuss. I agree Vanessa. 🙂 I’m wondering if traumatic memories in the psyche, our fields and our cells will just fade out like mist before the dawn burning it away.
Wonderful Tina! What a Blessing this is to us all 🙏💗🙏
very many thanks to Tina for having asked this question… and very many thanks to Almine for having answered. very many thanks” does not express what I feel for saying.. but then, I have no words.
I’m speechless
I am really enjoying these tasty morsels, thank you! 🥰⚓💌💐🤸♀️💋