“And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” – Revelation 12:4
In the third part of Entering Godhood Almine will continue her elaboration of the 300 principles of godhood. She will also explore recent insights into the Red Dragon who fought versus Archangel Michael and was cast into a bottomless pit, taking one third of the angels with him – as recorded in the Book of Revelation. These angels were mind-controlled by the Dragon, and “our task”, says Almine, “is to set them free”.
The Angel Gods, which represent the nervous system in the body, have long been suppressed and dominated by the Dragon, or mind – inhibiting our access to that which mind cannot see. As we set the captured angels free by living the principles of godhood, we awaken the currently suppressed areas of our nervous system, enabling us to see interdimensionally, closing the gap between cause & effect and living the magic life.
Visit the Entering Godhood page here: http://goo.gl/JjZDSk
Dear Niels,
Thank you for your replies………I did manage to post a few with a little help from a friend. I have greater understanding now after listening to some of Almines clips. Thanks for all that you do so that we may enjoy these wonderful treasures.
P.s. to my previous comment, and before everyone starts thinking I’m some sort of rockn’roll chick, I would like to say I had older parents for whom nothing other than classical could be considered music. I learned the violin, my mother sought out the best teacher around, I was in the youth orchestra and even when I went to school in England (residential), she arranged for a teacher to come down from the Yehudi Menuhin school, just for me. Just for me, folks!… I got through one year of it, than that was it (I imagine the principal was also relieved). I think i would have preffered the piano, but that was probably considered more for boys; in fact in music theory classes i remember the teacher picking and playing my stuff. i took dancing classes and was often on T.V. My mother had been a ballet dancer, but she didn’t want me to go in that direction (she had awful pain throughout her life).Art; I remember a photograph of myself painting this big bird, the reason for the photograph being that I/it had won a prize. In England, i lost all confidence in it; I couldn’t draw things in such detail as others, so i dropped out of the class before exams (even though I have another memory of the teacher coming round and taking my attempt at a still life and praising it in front of everyone; all I had done was started on the cloth under the cabbage because the detail of the cabbage was too much of a challenge! :-))… I had my photography; in fact I was in charge of everything photographic – people came to me if they wanted film, paper or to use the lab. Funny thing, because of our interest (mine and a few others), a photography O-level exam course was started.
Point is, I’m thinking, when all avenues of your expression are cut off, what happens? What are you left with ? Do you burst?…
Interesting question here, Miriam. As Almine puts it, anything that is not expressed inside, will be mirrored and expressed to the outside world. Life will express itself through you. Either inside of you, or through your environment.
A funny little comment to add here. Music is often used to enhance expression and some kinds of music can be used to burst through existing barriers, using emotions. You do this by using the power of the chakra that is most in tune with the music. For example, heavy music can be used to activate the lower chakras and be used to, with anger or determination, break through certain barriers. Thus, music can also be a tool, other than just entertainment.
A sad side node to all of this is that I’ve seen that a lot of programming does come in through music. So… use with care…
Team Almine
Talking about the nervous system…(and rockn’roll… well, it’s been mentioned :-))… I’ve been listening to a lot of music recently (all through the night on occasion) and dancing; a lot of music from my past… I get the lyrics like never before. Also some new music – I can finally listen to Marilyn Manson – try listening to ‘Leave a Scar’ (but check to see you have guts beforehand :-)) One song, ‘Disassociative’: “…The nervous system’s down, that (your) world is killing me, disassociative…”
Things are becoming clearer… I didn’t realise (or had forgotten) that Dragon is mind. I grew up in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the symbol for which is a dragon. There is a bridge, which I used to cross every day, called Dragon Bridge, and last summer I took a bit of an interest in it, googled, and found out there is a legend that Jason was the founder of Ljubljana, and he and his Argonauts killed a dragon…
Hi Barbara,
I did manage to post a few on Ascension.net…………thanks.
So joyous is my heart that the fallen will rise again; the dormant expressing soon to sing their freedom’s siren call to all.
Hi Barbara……..I had thought of that although I do not do well with these kind of things. Thank you
Wendy, as an alternate solution you can send the pictures to team@almine.net with a short explanation that it is for Rogier and why you are sending the pictures.
Team Almine
When the course …entering godhood began … I had a dream about a dragon that wanted to live here with me … She told me her name is Tiamat … Tiamat is also called the red dragon when I googled it right 🙂 … Since that time here in my surrounding so much lightened up … So I am looking forward to these explications … Blessings
Veronika, this is very interesting, as Tiamat (“Eternal Mother”) is the ancient name of the Earth.
Marc, yes and i got my Personal Elexir that says nearly the same …” Since ancient times you have stood by my side ……… All the time feel my presence with you, you are never alone ” … Thank you …
Next is that she not only came as a dragon but also “manifested” as a kind of big queen sitting on her throne near me in my garden ….
Hi Wendy,
Perhaps you can post them on ascention net? By creating a blog about them as related to the Red Dragon, fallen angels, nervous system information here.
Dear Rogier……..I would like to send you a few photos that somehow fit in with your post of today. Where can I send them to?
Thanks for this post, makes for clearer understanding of a few things.
Dear Wendy,
Thanks for your comment. Barbara Kathryn’s idea below about posting them on ascension.net is a great one. Just create your own thread in the forum or a blog post and share them there.
Team Almine
On august 27th 2013,a mysterious HORNED SEA MONSTER washed ashore a Spain beach.It looked like a dragon (see youtube).Is it possible that this creature is the manifestation of the mentioned mindcontrol spirit and is it possible that it has been exorcised out of a living human being (that might have been dying from this exorcism….for instance a person lying in a hospital bed, isolated and tortured by allopathic quacks until her premature death )?
Second question: in China, dragons are highly honoured animals.Is the dragon not just another form of KUNDALINI or SERPENT POWER, a holy energy inside each of us, and do we need to learn how to control KUNDALINI – without hatred (unlike archangel Michael using a sword to kill the dragon) – but with utter knowledge and discipline of this plutonic energy that permeates all sexuality and also rockn’roll?Serpents are holy animals in the ancient Greek civilization as well as the Native American.
Sybille Nova, I will leave it to the A-team to reply, of course, but your second question/answer totally rocks, in my humble opinion!…
A few thoughts on your question, Sybille Nova. As I have understood it, many things are being expressed all at once. Thus, cosmic changes will be expressed in many synchronistic ways. This you will often see when comparing new insights by Almine and looking at your own life. One such an example can be this sea monster washing up “from the depths” just as we are talking about dragons from the bottomless pit. It is to me a mirror. Just like the whole 414 angels story is a mirror for a not living certain aspects within ourselves. Those aspects make up the magical life.
As to your second question, I think that the Hadji-ka, Secrets of Dragons work by Almine might be of interest to you. Indeed, it is not that dragons are bad, they are honored creatures. Almine is talking about a certain faction within the dragon kingdom that was up to no good. At the same time -again using that as within, so without principle- dragons are the symbol of human sexual magic with the rising of the kundalini.
Check out the Hadji-ka materials here:
Team Almine
Another thing that I wonder about is the Red Dragon. Welsh history has a red dragon as a sort of totem. Some consider the British family as Illumanati, but who knows where that leads? I also read that King Vortigern brought, and then fought, the Anglo-saxons, and the British soon went to the West( like the Elves in Tolkein’s books).
So, in terms of bringing the story of the (a) Red Dragon and the history of Europe to date, who really are our ancestors, especially considering that most of the European Monarchs carried the Cross?
Also, Im wondering that the Indo-European widdershins migration around the Mediterranean was an attempt to handle this situation, contrary to the belief of many Christian clerics.
As an Egyptian princess, there would also be an interesting view of this.
One thing I wonder about is my ignorance; its been said that im an incarnated Earth Ekemental, and that Dwarves can be somewhat self-absorbed abd should be looking to the Elves forcguidence. I love the Elves wnd Faeries, yet when it comes to dealing with Michael, why would i(someone) be against him except by my ignorance of what im here to do, and so, why have i been ignorant for so many decades. Like, who am i right? But still, apart from dealing with whats on my plate as i think is appropriate, why didnt they show in front of me in a blaze of unstoppable ligjt and clue me in. I thought we were on decent terms, and likewise with many of the Dragons and even Giants I’ve met.
Am i that different in this than most on my path; and, why is it that just as i aake to my calling, the whole of the world shadow government is now anti-human, anti-Earth healing, anti-civilrights? Now some here say thats the position of Gods avenging angels, to punish. But seems to me to be the same old warlordism and politics on a global scale. The “Intervention,” “Indepandance day” with teeth.
So, am i being judged for attacking, or non-action?