Here is Almine’s newest prediction for the week to come:
Prediction for the week of December 02 – December 08, 2012
The refusal on your part to judge by appearances will pay off this week: Deep insights and clarity will effortlessly come. Belief systems that have been imprisoning you will lose their grip. When windows of opportunities present themselves, allow yourself to explore them.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of November 25 – December 01, 2012
Depth of perception is required to gain the gifts this week brings. Allow yourself to feel the ripples throughout life that your actions cause. Deep, meaningful and conscious awareness, can change everyday habits into sacred rituals.
As always your insights about the week past or the week ahead are most welcome. We wish you happy exploring this week!
Oh what a wonderful way to spend my Birthday week 🙂 Exploring deeper insights with clarity!
Happy birthday, Dhani 🙂