Light is accessed information. Frequency is the ever-changing song of the heart.
When frequency occupies a certain area of influence, a space (different in nature to the ether or “substance of things hoped for” that surrounds it) is formed. Space then becomes the prison guard that encapsulates the field of frequency. Space becomes not only that which defines the area of influence of frequency but also that which tells frequency how to express. It creates a set of belief systems that govern the way all creatures live. It does this by means of the boundary that surrounds space -The Matrix. In this way, it can be said that space holds frequency in place, and that frequency, in turn, defines space.
We have been breaking down the rigid jail cell; the matrix; of space by:
1. Releasing the need to be governed by belief systems as our motive for the experience. We have broken free from needing the validation of the tribes of man by using Love, Praise, and Gratitude to form our own reality.
2. We have received the twelve pure emotions and have created our own reality by cultivating Love, Praise, and Gratitude in daily life. The stronger the emotions we generate, the more we push against the rigid boundaries of our individual matrices. The larger the sphere of influence of our individuation becomes, the more personal power is gained. As we break free from programmed living we enable ourselves to live instead according to the authentic guidance of our hearts.
SEER’S NOTES: As we refuse to be confined by ancestral and societal programs and belief systems, the rigid matrix that dictated our actions becomes a permeable membrane that allows full expression of our emotions to take place. It allows us to live beyond the expectations of the crowd; beyond the mediocrity of conformity.
Wonderful insight. Thank you for this
Thank You so much for this information Almine. It makes it easier to live this way when we actually know how it all works well for me it does anyway . Much Love to You Almine.
Such a great explanation!! Have been waiting long time for this answer. Though I know you have said it before but now quite so completely fleshed out like this.Thank you dearest Almine for explaining it so carefully to us. Thank you indeed.
This is amazing… Is this recent? Almine has mentioned this before I feel but is this updated new information? Have we broken free..
How can space override frequency? Why does a matrix have to form in the first place Ré frequency?
I hope this question makes sense
My deep love praise gratitude Trust and hope
Beloved Infinite Mother
Thankyou for posting precious Tina
Yeah, this is a fuller explanation than I have ever heard her mention previously Van. 😉
Yes, Dearest Vanessa, this is new information that Almine gave me to post.
THANK you for this PROFOUND information. xxxx