Question: What questions do you respond to and what don’t you?
The Seer: I don’t respond to most, for the simple reason, that I’m trying to intensify my alone, silent time. If I find myself having a gap of time in my day, I will however usually answer one, yes. But I tend to bypass personal questions that aren’t applicable to all of you. I skip over questions that I see are based on your lack of clarity with yourself. It’s so easy to ask questions that conceal where we’re not honest with ourselves. Re-examine the motive behind the issue involved. Are your decisions based on fear, for instance? Or because you think someone else has something that can benefit you? When you’re asking the wrong question, it’s a waste of both our time to answer it. You’ll only find the right question if you’re honest about your agenda.
I love you dearly my Precious Ones, and I want to share my highest insights with you. But it is through familiarizing yourself with what we have already received; what you already know, and living it, that you ready yourself for receiving deeper perception.
" ... to thine own self be true, and it must needs follow as night the day, that thou canst not be false to another " ~ Shakespeare
Birgitte says
Beautifully expressed Sue. I agree with you 🙏🏻🌟💖
Sue B says
beautifully said, Almine. Recently I have taken to revisiting older input from you, and have been reminded that there is SO MUCH in everything you have shared – the Divine Authenticity of your work is demonstrated by the discovery that rereading older contributions – only displays an even deeper understanding in the present!
I am deeply grateful to you, every day – and have taken to ‘chatting’ with you often! which always results in greater perspectives and experiences! I Love You very Much. LPGST