The Secret of Sexuality ~ Sacred Sexuality Pt. 2 by the Seer Almine
The secret to unlocking the gift of perception that sexuality can yield lies in that place of connection with the Infinite: the present moment. It is in the stillness of the moment that we experience the ultimate love affair between Creator and Creation. It can be demonstrated in the following way: if we pass blindly by a flowering bush along the wayside and fail to see that it is ablaze with the glory of God, nature withers. Nature thrives on appreciation.
If in a quiet moment of contemplation, we truly acknowledge the beauty of a flower, it allows that plant to evolve more rapidly into a more complex form of expression.
In a similar way, truly being present and appreciatively entering into the wondrous miracles of our partners, contributes to their evolution of awareness. Thoughts about techniques pull us out of the moment into the world of form and away from indwelling life.
As we focus on truly experiencing another, the energy lines around our bodies open like the radiating petals of a flower. When this happens, blockages are released and power and energy flow freely through us, allowing us to receive a greater supply of life force. Once we shift our focus, however, to personal performance or agendas, the energy lines fold inwards, draining energy from our partners. The energy we drain from another may temporarily increase our own but, as is the case with all self-centeredness, eventually leads to decay and death.
Our insensitivity to the miracle of another disrupts the web of life because it is damaging to them as well as ourselves. It is damaging to them because what is unacknowledged decreases and what is appreciated increases. It is damaging to us because our true identity is a being as vast as the cosmos with all existing within us. What is destructive to another is therefore also destructive to ourselves.
This is the second part of Almine’s article on Sacred Sexuality. See part one here. Soon we will post part three.
i hope i can express here a situation that has been concerning me for quite some time
when i raise my frequency i cannot feel any changes atall, only a slight feeling of love which dissolves iinstantly after, i would like some information from other students here how do you raise your consciousness, i am starting to feel like i am wasting my time trying to grow,, when i wake up in the morning i am back to where i started, i feel like i used to be something wise and filled with light but now i have lost it, can almine please look into my situation and maybe find something that may assist my road , i would usually never ask such a thing as i know shes busy but any insights on this topic would certainly be of help
steven turner
p.s the sacred sexuality post was very interesting i enjoyed both posts
Steven, I can only speak for myself here.
It is indeed not easy to keep your spiritual awareness up, especially if you are trying hard 😉
One of the big lessons by Almine for me has been to stop comparing… to who I was yesterday, and to stop trying to grow. In frequency, in awareness. Just live every moment as good as I can, and be happy about it. No looking back. Not even to yesterday. Couple this awareness with some hardcore practice of love, praise and gratitude and knowing in your whole being… this is just a game… This has taken me very far.
Glad you liked the articles by the way…
PS: Almine’s day is full to the rim. As you may have noticed, for her this diary is more of a one way sharing of things that flow through her, than a possibility of a deep dialogue, although we do try to show her the comments as often as we can. It is not a question of not wanting to respond on her part, but more of a time constraint. She hopes that you find the information in this daily blog as useful as can be and that bits and pieces of it can find their way into your daily life, thus helping you to change gracefully. This is actually the power of the tools flowing through Almine, is taking them into your daily life and integrating them as best you can and sticking with them for long enough to let them do their job. Every single tool by Almine is designed to help you help yourself. I hope this helped you and others somewhat. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write it down, Steven.
Team Almine