After last week’s “inner guidance sowing the seeds”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of March 24 – March 30, 2013
This week is a powerful week for fulfilling dreams and conjuring new realities. Your confidence, strength and optimism will run high if you fuel them with praise and gratitude. Be vigilant in watching that old negativity and self-defeating attitudes do not get in your way. It is a time of opening doors and making dreams come true.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of March 17 – March 23, 2013
This is most definitely the week to create windows of stillness, times for meditation and communion with yourself. It is the time when inner guidance will allow you to sow seeds of great things to come. Through inner knowing you will be in the right situations at the right time.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
Hello Miriam, I did not look away! It sounds like you have been going through something of what I have been, valleys of grief, sadness and there are two more that one of the sisters talks about who was at the latest Womens Retreat! I like you have found ascension soo happy, bubbly, sweet and I could not relate. I allowed myself to feel the disconnect, knowing that my experience right now is where I need to be! Before when I found myself in a place of sadness, depression, I was able to change it with a thought, now I find I am unable to do that. Now I find I need to allow myself to experience all of it, the emotions that I did not acknowledge, to feel the pain, anguish, loneliness, rage at being abandoned, all! I have cried so much this past two months that my right eye is continually red. There are times my vision is blurry like I have tears in my eyes but there is none. Hard to explain. I feel like I have been sad for sooo loong. I question have I ever felt happy? Joy? I know I have felt peace, comfort and stillness, but that bubbling, exciting in the gut happiness? In a misty faraway land maybe! Im not there yet in this moment, there is something I need to clear up first! So dear sister it is okay to be where you are! You are beautiful wherever it is!
Not a very positive post coming up – look away now if you like, you are being warned… I found this to be a very challenging week; yup, old negativity and self-defeating attitude near strangling me. Seem to be arriving to a point where I feel a major dis-connect is needed. Battling my way through the emotions, uninspired. Tuesday feeling optimistic, strong etc., Wednesday, knocked on a door, no can do, seems I was pursuing a fantasy, not a dream… Can’t seem to join in any of the excitement on the social networks, most of the questions being asked for the upcoming course going way above my head anyway…
Perhaps things are not as they appear; will try and stay with that thought…
Making dreams come true. This is going to be FUN!
Thank you Mary Jane! I mean no disrespect to toads on general! Toad or under Frog in dream symbol means experiencing other realms, frequencies or other realities, seeing through another’s eyes! Wow that is profound! Im going to need some meditation on this one!
When I read this week’s prediction a wave of gratitude came over me. Last week’s prediction was in perfect timing for what has been unfolding in my life.
I have been noticing that, as these predictions come forth, I am living the flow from one to the next one very deeply. I do feel that I am living this cutting edge journey even though I do little with computers.
Since the Harmonic Convergence I have been living a journey that is leading to this sowing of seeds to bring great things forth. Since last night I have been feeling the deep negativity that gets in the way of bringing forth the dreams into manifestation. They do run deep.
My deep gratitude to all of you involved in bringing these predictions and all of the other materials forth. And, Almine, to you I give my great appreciation that I have been able to speak my truth.
I took much time this past month without a tv, home phone, laptop not connected, to study my books, meditate, and let myself flow! I did Aranash Suba yoga this morning and I feel loving towards myself! It is a brand new feeling this tenderness for me!
Dearest Lydia
My heart is melting too, thinking of you surrendering amidst the mirrors, residential school memories (if I understand correctly) and general toadiness. I just did the Aranash Suba yoga myself tonight and it brings miraculous release as you so beautifully describe. Continue to focus your nurturing tenderness on the Princess and the toad will take care of itself.
Love, Jane.
Last week I got a little of what I wanted! I’ve been yearning for a good howling blizzard and Alberta got a spring storm last Thursday which made the news! It was not a cold blizzard, somehow it was still gentle as it was coming down! I wasnt wishing for a 100 car pile up either! The weather shows how I have been feeling! I want to really blow my top at the negativity around me but I still cant speak very clearly. I still have a toad in my throat! I have been taking supplements and I know my liver is detoxing very old anger and bitterness and with my residential school hearing coming up I am going to let it flow! What needs to come out of my mouth will come! And I am really wanting that toad to go too! Speaking of toads, this lady who has been a lesson since Oct looks like a brown toad! I am being totally honest, no maliciousness intended, and I have worked hard at finding some beauty in her all the while knowing she is a mirror! I have much to work thru to find the toad in me and turn it into a princess! I have a new laptop but dont know how to tether my iphone which is why I have not been on site too much lately!