I recently asked Almine about some experiences with TIMEMAPS and a discussion followed. We’d really enjoy hearing about the your experiences on posts to this thread or on Ascension.net.
Jan: After I saw the TIMEMAP Key, Catalyst, Wheels, Maps etc, something shifted and came online inside me… it’s as if I’m always seeing the maps and their coded images, numbers, etc.
Almine’s Answer: They are alive and the more you use you personal TIMEMAP, the more it will communicate to you. It most definitely changes and evolves brain capacity and consciousness.
Jan: I have visions of TIMEMAPS (almost all the time, if I choose to tune in to them). They seem like meridians of both our consciousness and our physical nervous systems (central/CNS and autonomic/ANS) but they don’t feel fixed. They are almost like waves of frequency or music…similar to a ring in a pond after a pebble is tossed in, as you have often so poetically described it. It feels like swimming around in moments within the mind of the Infinite. You capture or ‘fix’ their image when you draw a TIMEMAP, but it is only as a ‘snapshot’ of the moment.
Almine’s Answer: They are snapshots of moments. But eternal moments– which for us seems like a year. One can rephrase that and say that a moment to the Infinite, is a year to us.
Jan: The TIMEMAPS experience is different than any other experience of Infinite work along this journey that I’ve had…it has more depth, Oneness.
Almine’s Answer: It’s been life changing for me to work on them as well . They communicate to me … If there’s a line undrawn , they call me to complete it.
Jan: What does it mean when two lines converge in a “V” shape in a specific day’s square on a TIMEMAP?
Almine’s Answer: It means its a good day for closures and culminations; a good day for things to ‘come together’.
Dearest Almine,
So much Gratitude, Praise and Love for this TIMEMAP that You have prepared for me. May my destiny be fulfilled………
So much LOVE
I have noticed a few perfect “T” shaped lines, (perpendicular lines), on my personal Timemap, based on Rogier’s last podcast he said that Almine interpreted a single Horizontal lines (clarity from cognitive perception) and a single Vertical lines (feeling the non-cognitive impetus).. I wonder if the perpendicular lines in a perfect “T” on a square, is a day to use both in an integrated way ?…. I have also had feelings of the Maps being connected to the two DNA roses that are superimposed over one another, so it shares the same 10 Rows of full Infinite Potential. Kind of like the Timemaps assist us in living the higher reality by expressing more of the DNA Roses (inner and outer space) as an integrated field of higher experiences, where their in no inner and outer. It is all so perfect. Thank you Almine and Jan. 🙂 xx
…..the Dragon Windows of The Magical Life are so good too!
…and The Magic of The Gods!
Vs, day 1 is full of V shapes converging on this day of all beginnings for me. 🙂