Each light that shines is inexorably linked to a shadow, for the light is defined by its shadow as the shadow is by its light. Every individuation is the result of an aspect of true being that is suppressed.

The surrendered master becomes his greater self, using space as his tool and time as his vehicle to allow the poetry of his being to be expressed and observed.

Many miracles unfolding around us are perceived by our senses, but our mind discounts them. Let us set the intention to start believing our eyes and ears.
The Visual Poetic Perspective (26)
🍃🌹🍃So exquisite!🌹🍃🌹
When our light is really strong and bright we cannot see the shadow we cast….
Oh wow, such high mysticism in these poetic lines. Gratitude!
LOVED ❤ “Each light that shines is inexorably linked to a shadow, for the light is defined by its shadow as the shadow is by its light. Every individuation is the result of an aspect of true being that is suppressed.”
sup·press sə-ˈpres
transitive verb
1 : to put down by authority or force : SUBDUE
suppress a riot
2: to keep from public knowledge: such as a: to keep secret. to stop or prohibit the publication or revelation of.
3 a: to exclude from consciousness b: to keep from giving vent. suppressed her anger
4: to restrain from a usual course or action. suppress a cough
5 : to inhibit the growth or development of
Not concerned with the shadow expressing. But, if it’s a suppressed shadow expressing. Well then, batton down the hatches (code for suppression)! Cause she’s really going to blow!