“When we realize that it doesn’t matter whether we understood something or not, life is beauty, it isn’t made up of duty. We don’t have to connect the dots. Because it’s an endless journey of no beginning and no end. All there is, is joyous discovery.” – Almine
In this video, Almine speaks of the Lost Kingdom: the realm of the purified instinctual and ‘the knowingness that has no reason’. As a result of the tyrannies of the mind and heart, this realm distorted as the underworld, which – microcosmically – is our subconscious mind.
This is the 5th video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013.
Almine’s big question online course – Ask Almine Anything 5 – continues in October 2013:
Thank you for sharing. What a relief. My entire being is singing with such deeply felt gratitude and I’ve tears of joy in my eyes. Thank you, beautiful Almine! Much LPGT
So grateful for these insights.How does it get any better than this?
Thanks Roh. This is awesome! It helps us prepare for the the upcoming retreat, here in Toronto. 🙂