“There is currently a situation going on in the jungles of Nigeria and Ghana that the rest of the world is unaware of. Natives are moving into towns, leaving fully grown plantations behind – farming in isolated areas has come to an end. The reason for this, is that demons have infiltrated into the middle world (our world). Everyone who looks at them dies within a few days. A few of them have also shown themselves in Central America. Even looking at them at a distance has knocked people into a coma.”
“I had been looking for the place where many souls were taken captive during the trauma of mass murders. I also could not find mass murderers in the soul world – like those of the Nazi regime – whom, for years I have been looking for. A few days before my medical emergency, I did indeed find that all these lower beings were inhabiting an under-underworld – the existence of which I was unaware. This is also the home of those demons. I stared one fully in the face, and life started to take on this nightmarish quality. Two days later, I had a massive stroke and was flown to a hospital. I still cannot talk, hear, or walk very well, and doubt I will be able to return as lecturer this year. You are always in my heart and in my mind.”
With much love,
Note from Ronni:
“I have been by Almine’s hospital bed almost day and night, and seeing her go from a full coma in the first three weeks to where she is now – bright, luminous and beautiful as ever – has truly been a miracle; something her nurses and doctors have confirmed.”
Is Dear Almine Well again, able to speak?
Very much so, yes. ✨💖🙏🏼💖✨
Hi Almine,
You had this encounter with the dark and survived. You indeed have a strong spirit and are strong to survive where you could have lost you life.
We love you and I’m so happy to see that you are back and are well.
Dear Almine,
We, the light workers in ISRAEL, send you our love with the most appreciation.
We send you light, strength and hilling.
You are blessed and beloved
Your light shine on the entire world
this is somewhat very troubling : God protects us from demons; it has been written that for a demon to ”enter” our space, we must have a similar frequency in us (unidentified, unbeknownst to us) Ego?
Almine’s purpose and process in descending into the Lower Underworld has been well documented here.
For the past month I have been absorbing your written information. My dreams and life affirm with you and I am in deep gratitude for your life’s work. My support comes to you now for complete recovery. There is much to say but most of all I wish to extend my support of well being to you and commend you for the work you have done. It is of utmost importance.
Love always,
New Mexico
Dearest Almine,
I just heard of this–I have been living in Ecuador and have such a different life than the one in Oregon–a little out of touch sometimes. I love you so much, you are such a part of who I am because of the training’s I’ve received and so much that I’ve learned from you over the years…since 1995! You do so much for us ALL and I can’t thank you with enough love, praise and appreciation. I hope you get the rest and recuperation you need to feel good and strong again, which it sounds like you are heading towards! You are never far from my thoughts, dear teacher and friend,
Hugs and love,
Sue Tjernlund
People living in the spiritual community who don’t think dark exists are crazy. I’ve experienced demons, but never to this extent. You are strong.
I just “met” you today for the first time on YouTube. Listening to you speak and reading some of your writings has truly inspired my spirit. I wish you now health, strength and total well-being within always.
Ascended Master AC
Sending love and positive thoughts and frequencies and wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Certainly with this terrible experience will bring positive information and good advice on how to deal with these types of entities it seems we are all being attacked by and causing us miseries in our lives. We all love you Almine and thank you for protecting us. You bring us, your soul family so much inspiration and wisdom through your powerful yet gentle teachings. Keeping the candles burning and singing for you till you get your voice back. Happiness to hear you are recovering so miraculously. We love you and sing praises to the One Life for your life in our life. Blessings to Almine and the whole family.
Dearest Almine~
You have been such an inspiration to me and so many…You show so much courage to confront a demon in the face…how brave you are~ It does not shock me that you would experience a stroke after such a deeply dark encounter such as this one~ Of course you would rise after a time, radiant as the sun, to continue blessing us with your divine love and wisdom. You will continue on to share inspiring messages with us until YOU DECIDE you would like to drop your precious body and take on that next adventure. I only see you as a bright beaming archetype of the divine feminine…always lively, stunningly awesome, and so very very beautiful~
You are always in my heart~~ Bless you eternally~~ Love, Kristin
Well said, I second this. Love and Blessings from the vortex of Mount Shasta, Dodhisattva
Almine is someone with amazing wisdom, beauty, grace and connection. She knows and speaks truth and I hold her in high regard.
I teach metaphysics, meditation and so on and there are not many people who are so aligned to Source and carry such knowledge and with an open heart to share the wonders of the universe, the cosmos and our own beingness. There is no judgment and an honest wish continue to find the pieces of the puzzel. We look forward to seeing her completely recovered.
Many Blessings, of Love, Light and Joy to her heart and mind totally integrating and re-awakening to her fullest.
Love and Light to you Almine and everyone who is by your side. You have been in our hearts beloved. Wrapping you in pure Light from head to toe and all around. Wishing you a complete recovery dear One.
Dearest Almine Love will get you through this terrible ordeal and so the most sublime Love to you Love Love Love.
I would like to say that I have been dealing with these rogues for years and i have on several occasions emailed the almine team asking for pointers on getting rid of them. One almost killed 3 of my friends some years back. It took quite some time but i tracked him down and destroyed him. They are not easy to deal with I’ve personally dealt with 2of them the one i destroyed and his brother who seeks vengeance against me still. They are not easily dealt with the sigils wont be enough to fully vanquish them. I will lend any assistance possible to almine that she may need, i am one of the original combatants of these rogues a god in my own right. It has cost me to tell you all this as i have to keep my assemblage point in the realm of godhood and i likely wont have the energy for this again for some time and they will surely seek my death.Let love and light flood through you again almine. The colored warriors have returned and we will bring light back to this darkness i promise this.
With love,light,praise,and gratitutde,
The Golden Warrior
I am praying for you Almine and i know without a doubt that your ‘unique voice’ will return to you. Stronger than ever and clear as a bell. 🙂
Love and blessings, Almine sweetheart. You were in my dreams a couple weeks ago and comforted me. Now, I ask all of heaven to be with you and heal you and comfort you. Diane
You are already teaching me again dearest Almine, your words create so much space inside. With love to all of you.
Almine –
Much love and many thanks for all your wonderful contributions.
May new paths of or your divine wisdom return in you healing. Bless you
THIS TOO SHALL PASS! For you have battled and have regained Life more abundant. Though they are powerful dark ones, your Light shows that it is powerful because of the Light You have given humanity across the Globe, in places that you have not yet imagined. Take Heart My dearest, form you are rising higher in vibration as your Healing is perfected. This will show Humanity the Gift of overcoming Darkness.
Thank You, Almine, for all you have given in the Elevation of Consciousness returns to you press-down, shaken together, and running over in Goodness!
I believe in the Masters of Light, Love and Truth, and the Presence of the Light Brotherhood for whom you have blended to bring these Teachings.
May the Violet Flame flow through your etheric, mental, emotional and physical body restoring all your electrons, and making new atoms everyday and harmonizing the gases in your body for greater Healing.
Love you Almine!
Team Almine-Keep the Light for Humanity! We Love You!
Beloved One,
May blessing continue to flow through you.
You are the beloved! I hold you in my heart. Be well.
In Light, Life, Love,
Joe M.
Many thanks, Almine, for this update and please continue to surprise those doctors! And lots of thanks, too, to everybody close to you for their efforts for your wellbeing.
As I have such a knack for knowledge, it took the absence of your usual channels like on YouTube, newsletters, blogs etc. to find the Almine channel in my heart. There in the recent weeks and month I received a clear and strong signal. Is this the NEW Almine? Or something I have missed all the time? It appears beyond space and time and hence personalized. Thank you! Even if this communication channel when compared to the traditional ones might lack commercial opportunities, I would be delighted if it gets even stronger in the future.
And to all those Trekkies here 😉 Re-watch “Skin of Evil” (TNG-S01E23) — food for thought.
All the Best!
Know that this is perefect as all is in this path. Infinite Mother nad all the others whom you have shared the journey with, are beside you and supporting you in this phase of your journey. Continue expressing who you are and who you are becoming as you have done previously even more in this difficult transition.
Remeber that those who give a lot like you did, receive a lot. The equilibrium is permanent. In this hour as before, you have all that you need and desire. Reach for it.
I send you my love
Dearest Almine,
I thank you for Who you Are, and for your teachings. I am praying for you and sending you blessings!
much Love
Gabrielle Nandini
Dearest Almine, Praying for Infinite Mother to send lots of Love and Healing Light to you.
♡♥♡♥♡ With much love and gratitude always. ♡♥♡♥♡
One of the channellers on FB, Sangeeta, helped me better understand this after she contacted her guides/higher beings of light, and below is what she was able to gather.
It is true! But these arent demons but 144,000 legions of Lucifer’s Dark Brotherhood who have descended before him. Just as Sanat Kumara’s 144,000 Venusians descended before to pave the way for Sanat to enter earth. Remember I had explained sometime ago that the Dark Brotherhood is exactly matched in power and might with its counter part Light Brotherhood. These 144,000 will and are creating havoc already. This link is my proof. What im being told is: donot confront this dark legion at all. You dont have the equivalent power to do so and survive. How you will know its L’s army? You will know by the awful gelly inner feel of their energy. Then immediately turn away. Never travel in right angles or straight lines (explained n my Book-111). More I shall reveal slowly. If anyone of you gets your hand on any information about this legion or any such post, immediately inform me. Demons shall come only with him.
Oh Almine, You are SO loved. I know without a doubt that You are being re-ordered to an even higher iteration of Godhood through this. It’s uncanny as I am now living in Cape Town, South Africa, in your country of origin, that your teachings, which I have been following intensively since 2001, are now taking on a sort of back-of-the-hand clarity for me. Every audio I hear in my full library of your Work reinforces my grasp of both the big picture as well as the details of your teachings. I have a feeling I’m one of many of your students having this experience. Your legacy of knowledge is anchored in us. We will keep it pure and carry it forward so you can continue to expand into this new, even vaster form. You are welcome to convalesce in my beautiful home in the bosom of Table Mountain, should that appeal. I’ll say it again, you are SO loved! Natalia
I’m feeling so alive and inspired with life and miracles again hearing from our Beloved Teacher Almine! Thank you for sharing this with us! Alime’s heroism for humanity is incredible! much much love and best healing energy to you Almine, and we are hoping to hear your wisdom soon again!
Thank you team Almine for the updates
Dearest Almine,
There is nothing that can harm you. You are healed in love and light forever.
Love Always,
I am so sorry to hear of your experience. I was made aware of these demons a few years ago through my own research. Sending many blessings to Almine for a speedy recovery.
Love, Light, Joy. May Grace and the Divine Mother enliven your physical body to even greater capacity and stamina for the work you do. In Honor of your Bravery. Absolute Love to you!
Dearest beloved Almine,
Even though I’m new to the group, I sensed you are an amazing being. I knew we would be hearing from you again.
It’s all perfection. Your courage is an example to all of us.
In love, praise, gratitude, and surrendered trust.
My dearest Almine I send you Love as I reach out and touch your hand.
I know you have had a miracle and will continue to be a walking, complete miracle. May we all receive the blessing of understanding the walk and continue to walk with you standing strong in our rightful power.
Thank you for taking a moment to consider us and to let us know how you are doing. My deepest gratitude
Love and hugs for every moment……………………………………………………..
Hi Almine
we wish you a speedy recovery. So sad to hear what happened. With a stroke there can be massive cellular dehydration so plenty of fluids and minerals such as magnesium that help mitigate the contractive effects of calcium. In some hospitals in America doctors use intravenous magnesium as it relaxes the blood vessels. We are sending you our blessings and our love from Kerry, Ireland. Aisling and Martha xxxx
Bright Blessing dear sister
My Heart is with you All. Love, Sophie
We love you Almine,
I was shocked to hear what happened.
Where angels would fear to tread, you did go and out the other side back to us all, we love you and who you are with your courage and beauty .
Thoughts of love and high vibs are with you
My dearest Almine, You have been in my thoughts and my prayers. I love you deeply and pray for your full recovery. My gratitude for all that you have given and all that you are. Words are not adequate but you know my heart…..Judith
Dearest Almine,
Dearest Ronni,
How Wonder-Full to Hear from You! There are no words to express the Wonder that You Are.
There is only great Delight that You Are such Perfection.
Here’s wishing You Infinite Beauty, Laughter, Compassion, Joy, Poetry, Adventure, Inspiration, Mystery, and Eternal Divine Fun during this Recovery.
Warmest Wishes of Support for You, and Your Beloved Family.
Thank You for posting this Rogier.
Much much Love from a very wintry NH!
Almine : Remember you are higher than they are . This is their last Hurrah as they know they are losing the battle between the Light and the Dark. You have conquered and won. Hurray for you !!!!!! Love to you !
Yeay!!! So happy to hear from you Almine. Much love to you ♡♥♡♥♡♥ dear Almine.
I Divine Love You so very much Sweet Almine…
No Words can Describe that…
I Sang Your Name, Dance the Dance of Divine Love and Divine Light…
to Call on You…
To come back ,Safely, Fully and Gently into Your Physical Temple if that is Resonating with You.
I Saw You twice…
You are Rising…Stronger and are more Luminous and more Powerful that ever.
Together We are Holding Space for another Miracle to take place.
A huge Thanks to all of You here for You Prayers and Support!
Rise and Shine Powerful Divine Light Beings.
I Divine Love Myself and You Unconditionally.
Golden Light Infusions to You/Us all.
Beloved Almine,
My wave of Love is with you,thank you for work to humanity.We in the Light are all with you because we are one.We love you.
Precious Almine, I could hardly believe the words I read. God bless your team for bringing this information to us. Last week, I witnessed the breaking up of dark cords in the ethers so now I understand. Dearest Being, Your angelic countenance unfailingly serves LOVE. You so bravely illuminate for us all the consciousness that prevails in all places, light and dark. Thank you. As I hold your image in the heavenly light of the golden chalice of healing, may you know that it is with deepest gratitude from my heart. Thank you for your bravery and courage and to all who encircle you with love, light and healing. God Bless You Almine, may your archangel wings regain their strength swiftly and effortlessly.
Dearest Sistar, I, too, knew this must be your situation. I am so grateful to now know you have survived the impossible & send beyond loving thoughts and prayers for a complete and perfect recovery. Those doctors will continue to be amazed. I hope you can rest easy, laying in the arms of the angels while your healing journey continues. Bill and I send our love and gratitude to you and all who are there beside you. Together we have weathered many trials and tribulations through the bond of marriage that you united us into in our Wedding Ceremony. We love you so much.
Azuriel and D’j.Ann
I commend you on your bravery. I have been made aware that not only are these dark minions here on Earth, but that there are those on other dark planets that project their dark intentions, spells of black magic and power to human beings who vibrate with their energies, leading them to do atrocious actions to others. These dark minions also scrutinize closely those of the brightest light to undermine their service and overwhelm them with negative energy bombardments. I now understand why I chose the ordinary life of quiet servitude for anonymity is my cloak of protection. I hold you in my heart and cradle you in my arms dear Almine until you regain your full strength. You are strong and you will rise again like the Phoenix and become even more luminous. Thank you for the light that you are.
Beloved Almine…. Your courage astounds me and always has…. To add to the inquiry of, when you are ready, “What can we your Light Family do to not only help you recover with grace more fully but how to remedy this situation?What is ours to do ?” I am deeply grateful to hear about what happened . Thank you Ronni and all of the A Team for such devotion to Almine.
I am so dearly honored by your being Amine and so grateful for your recovery.
May you continue to flourish beautifully ! I thank the Infinite that you have persevered !
With all my love..
And I await your guidance on what we may do to respond to this
I am sending my deepest prayers to you to get better and to have a complete recovery.
Sending love and blessings. Thank you for your being and all that you have done. Love, love, love…
Almine, thank you for sharing what happened; I have not met you personally yet, I was on my way to meet you at the Tampa cruise before this happened ; thank you for your light, and teachings for us; may you find the gift in this hughe experience, and may you find and share the tools to use so we can prevent these things from affecting all of us. Thank you for all you have done, thank you for your Love, light and bravery; look very much forward to getting to finally meet you. Dalia V.
I trust that you will return into the light more brilliant than ever.
Sending you love.
Dearest Almine,
Love, Light and Belvaspata healing to you. Everyday!
Thank you for sharing so that we may Love you to recovery!
Dearest Almine: You are the fragerance of the rose whose pedals open with grace and wisdom. Know you are loved beyond words. Thank you R & R for living the LPG and holding the bridge of compassion.
Dear Almine,
I come from a rural town in the Caraibes. I know very well the situation you describe and have an idea now on what happened to you. That s why I always look and ask for the best program in your network to fight black magic. I fell that I may face those demons once I will go to my country. A new experience, a new resurrection; you know that all our love, support, and prayers are surrounding you all time and the whole Universe is behind you. I always believe that you will return stronger than ever even though I had no clues on what happened to you.
Peace and love!
Dear Almine,
Blimey, they don’t mention that in The Lonely Planet book…!
Sending much love, light and well wishes to you from Melbourne for a speedy recovery and thank you for having courage and being true to yourself. You are an inspiration. Big hugs to you xx
May this lovely Angel of God recover completely. The light of God never fails and no lower energies have any power over it. I ask Arch Angel Michael and the Goddess Durga to now guard Almine from all that is not of the light and so it is.
Dear radiant Almine,
You have always retained every sparkle of brilliance since I have interacted with you since 1998… the first time seeing you at a conference with Doreen Virtue and Nick Bunick.
You were one of the earliest BRIGHT Lights since my “REAWAKENING” around the time of our first meeting and the Light grows here exponentially throughout this MULTIVERSE ON ALL DIMENSIONS.
I know you will get this on some level, yet I remind you consciously that as much as some people’s growth blows in the wind as dry seeds, others take root and thrive. I can say humbly, continuing to grow, firmly rooted in the Light, connected to the Master Earth, my Soul FLAME grows in the Light, in part because of the Courage you continued to not only share in words, but in action decades ago. Even my first “Emerald Tablets” book was bought at the table outside your room at the conference.
Regardless of how long your mission here, always know you are TRULY Loved through the dimensions, and are appreciated for the work you have done and continue to do.
We are not our bodies and your body has simply needed to adjust to the High Vibrations coming through. You have always been a “SUCCESS” because you assist in raising the vibration of this planet.
May you Know that you are one of only a hand full of people that I KNOW, who puts their words into Mastery. Just because some others, or the mind and occular eyes think or see less, Know you are always a Master of Light and Love. This I KNOW.
Love and Hugs to you dear Sister of Light… Eric
Almine is so loved and appreciated by the Angelic World that I am sure she is receiving healing(s) directly from Source.
I feel prayers are heard of responded do so All efforts by Almine’s followers are assisting with her comeback to be stronger than ever. Much Love. Love Is Good Energy.
Dear Almine,
Prayers and love to you for your quick recovery! You will overcome this!
Ich freue mich auch über die gesundheiliche Fortschritte von ALmine. Mit allem Respekt Almine, aber
möchte so gerne wissen warum Almine die Nacis als Beispiel für Massenmörder nimmt? Es gibt genug in der USA heute in lebendigen Körper und mit Friedens Nobelpreis sind ausgezeichnet. Noch dazu die USA seit seiner Gründung in 238 jahren mehr als 220 Kriege geführt. Also wo sind die Massenmörder? Die Förderer von Nacis waren auch nicht weniger als die Rotshilds und Rockefellers. Die Opfer der Kommunismus ist bis heute nicht offenkundigt gemacht, aber mind. 600 Millionen Menschen kamen ums Leben, deren Führer diejenigen waren, die sich als Opfer der Nacis nennens. Also bitte die weltweite und tiefgründige Geschickteverfälschung NICHT unterstützen.
There is no point in defending what caused as much destruction as Hitler and his Nazi Party is responsible for. Though he held a purpose of bringing in opportunity for humanity to make a profound consciousness shift, humanity chose not to take that opportunity, and so genocides, war and severe injustice continued. I am a German by long ancestry so I understand your concern, but it does not matter what nationality is implicated in Almine’s example, it is the level of destruction being referred to NOT the nationality. The Nazi’s gained a profound global impact and reputation for their actions and hence it is a most effective example for everyone to easily understand. Almine, in her current condition, must use carefully selected words in a most efficient way, to make her point. That she did. To read more into it only shows that healing is required, in order to dissolve the perceived and created forms of separation that perpetuate human suffering.
Almine you are loved by all and held in our hearts. I constantly pray for your return to health and have so much appreciation for your presence and for all you have done and continue to do. My love and appreciation for Ronni, Jaylene, Jan and Rogier. You are constantly in my heart.
Thank you with all love.
The God bless you.
Thank you with all love.
The God bless the world.
Almine I am deeply touched by you, your beauty and bravery. In Love, Praise and Gratitude for you and your family and team Almine.
Dear Almine,
Peggy and I are joyous for your recovery. We are holding the energy of Alaska for you to draw on if needed. Take care of yourself for all of us.
I am so grateful to hear our beloved Almine is healing. Looking forward to hearing what we can do to address/diffuse the situation with the demons. Much Love
Angel Blessings to you Almine.Much love and health.Any update or intructions in how to deal with this situation and how we can help is very appreciated.
Thank You Almine, for sharing your story of what happened. You are so brave. I thank you for your teachings, and for your students who share their comments and experiences on what they have learned and integrated from you. You all bring me comfort. May we all bring a huge smile and comfort to you, Almine. Lots of love and gratitude to you.
Hallo beloved Almine. My heart overflows with tearful joy to receive this message from you. All my love to you. Ailsa xxxxxxoxxx
Dearest Almine,
Your immeasurable bravery and courage shines as a pure beacon of luminosity and love that can never be diminished by anything or anyone. You can only miraculously be fully restored in every way and beyond*
There are so many of us holding vigil
for you. I feel so much gratitude for the loving dear ones right there with you. Love, Kathleen
Most hearty recoveries dearest Almine. We are with you always.
Deepest gratitude to Ronni and family, for being by your side.
We continue the work to improve conditions on Earth and birth a new reality.
Dearest Almine,
Thank you for sharing with us what happened to you and why. Recently, Dr. Emoto, Dolores Cannon, Thich Nhat Hahn and you fell ill suddenly. This was brought to my attention and I knew more was happening than what was being said. We have been sending healing LOVE to you. Any guidance you can provide to us on how to handle this situation is greatly needed & appreciated as this needs to be halted. I have much respect, gratitude & love for you & the work you do. May Source flood you with healing love as your voice speaks, your legs walk smoothly & effortlessly and you hear the words of your Beloved love that is right beside you.
Please advise regarding this situation.
I love you SiStar! Louise
Dearest Almine Ronni,Jan,Rogier and A-team and family <3
Thank you for sharing this with us, i am moved to hear from you Almine and you and your family are always in my hearth.
I love you and send you Love blessings and gratitudes
Love from your sister in Sweden
My heart aches for what you undertook for all of us and our beautiful home Earth… no words can convey my gratitude, and deep love and reverence for your being dearest Almine. You are our divine blessing and may you feel our love embrace you and carry you on our collective dove’s wings. My love and gratefulness for the luminous family near you, Rogier, Jan, Ronni, Jaylene…. that also are Infinite blessings to all of us. You are eternal luminosity and divine compassion. You are eternally loved by me <3 xxxxoooo
Sweet brave beautiful Almine. Our hearts are with you every moment.
Beloved, my heart reaches for yours and for those souls . It is the capture or harvesting of innocence . I embrace your courage, joy, and loving nature that is way shower for humanity to remember theirs. Another beloved of ours Dr. Katherine May/Lady Nada has quite a story she is sharing with the world. Where she, in light form, was attacked by the cabal and is in intense rehabilitation, doing well. Over 5 million of the cabal’s darkest beings ( less than 15%) were called forth by source on Feb 11th to return to light. I do my best now to be more aware, more loving, more joyful, more now because of our awakening growing family of light on Mother Gaia. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I bow.
Brave Friend. Your entourage is a mighty gift, as you are to all Life.
Harold and I have been keeping you warmly in our hearts, and when we wrap our cool fingers around a warm cuppa, we send the garden herbs wafting to you, that simple comforts may penetrate deeply into your cells. With love <3
Dearest Almine & Ronni – my Heart and loving thoughts to you both, your Family…..
Thank you Rogier and Ronni for sharing this personal message. I can see Almine in all her beauty and she knows how much I lover her. LPGTS
Dear Beloved Almine♡♡♡
So pleased to recieve a few details on your experiece that brought you to this unfolding. As the ancient masters say,” This to shall pass”
I learned a few years ago about a man who had a stroke and as you are probably aware what causes the paralyases is the scarring that takes place in the tiny vessels. Well the women sharing her story about her husband discovered a product that within days repaired the scaring and after 10 days she found him reading the mail which was only one symtom that he recovered from after 5 yrs.
When I read this 3yrs ago I was experiencing major side effects from scaring on my lungs I was on oxygen several hours a day by then.
So I decided to give the product a go to see if it could help my lungs.
Now 3yrs later Am off oxygen and doing much better.still have some areas that need my attention but over all much healthier.
Now this is a network based product called laminine all natural .
Has anyone told you about this yet? Obviously I highly recommend it.
I started out with 3 a day for a few months the 2 day as I felt and now on 1 a day it helps to also
balance out any area where there are damaged cells.
Co. Name Lifepharm Global.
In light and Love
Elinas Dezouche
Dearest Almine,
I AM so grateful – to you – and for you.
Welcome back.
Beloved Almine… Thank God you were not taken from us. sending you energy wrapped in love. I’m sure you will have a great story to tell us. Victory to the Light..
Dear Almines,I asked Infinite Mother to help you,help us.I thank you Infinite Mother for everything and all the Light Family! Alan is right! We need gatekeepers! I wander why is this happening?
I love you all in PLGT
We need to find gate keepers to cover these unattended gates or this will get out of hand. If any need help or training contact me.
Thank you so much for the update Rogier and Ronni. My thoughts of love, blessings and inspiration has always been with Almine everyday. I know that she will fully recover and bring back the magic with her. She is our inspiration and joy always….with much gratitude to all that can be present at her side….
Blessings, my heart is with you.
Dearest, beautiful Mother,
So grateful you are feeling better. In such gratitude for your eternal presence.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sending you Love from the whole family.
DEAR BELOVED ALMINE my beloved angel so delighted that you are feeling better love u so much so grateful to Ronni rogier and All A staff and all who was by ur side and any help you are great inspiration n our dear love praying for your speedy full efforttless recovery take this time to rest and recuperate you deserve best n this time for urself as u always give so much n u are so important to everyone family ur students world so ur time is so needed it THANKING INFINITE FOR YOU AS WELL N FOR BLESSING OF YOU GETTING BETTER
in love praise grattitute peace Mantu THANK U BELOVED Infinite for Almine and for her getting better please let her recover further in no time
Almine, thank you for your Beingness, for the waves of hope flowing from you. I want you to know that your openess to life has touched my soul with inspiration. May the very essence of Love restore and resurrect you in this paralysis. I love and bless you now and always! Clare x
Almine your bravery is beyond words. Much love to you and gratitude for your return. We have no better role model of courage and all that is good. Love Praise &Gratitude.
I am so sorry to hear of this terrible incident. I am praying for your speedy and complete recovery Almine. God bless you and all your family. Much love, Sarah. Xo
God speed in your recovery!
Thankyou for sharing Ronni, Almine’s condition and her progress and her light is again glowing. May the gold energy from source help her on the journey for her highest good. She has brought so much information, learning and light to so many.
love Maggie x
Wow…in awe of your strength and courage to go where Angels dare tread…so grateful for the update, and knew in my heart you would pull thru and will be ok thru this challenge and you are an inspiration to us all so with Love, Praise and Gratitude for you on your road to full recovery!
Thanks Rogier for keeping us updated and being by her side.
Blessings, Nancy
All our best wishes for Almine´s health recovery. You are in the hearts of all of us, your light family from Ecuador.
With much love and gratitude always.
Dearest, Beautiful, Almine,
Thank you for sharing what happened. So wonderful to hear your recovery is going so well. What fun to turn the tables and have someone take care of you for a bit. Take all the time you need – knowing there is a time for everything.You are so abundantly rich in love (especially on this planet) – so many beings praying for you…
…Rest now.
Dearest Almine ,
Hello Sister Almine. Much love to you on your healing journey. Thank you for all the loving assistance you have given me and humanity. I very much look forward to the coming days when you have fully recovered.
Take good care .
I am at a loss for words.
All my love and wishes to you Almine and Ronni And A-Team In love Praise Gratitude Trust and Surrender.
I am in deep joy to hear you are journeying back to health and us. Thank you is all i can say.
A few steps more,hasten slowly. OUR LOVE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!
So good to hear from you once again Almine. I am happy to hear your are recovering from stroke. I join our family in seeing you whole, completely restored in all your faculties. Thank you for your example of meeting the demon and surviving.
You are my inspiration. Much love to you always Almine. Love praise and gratitude. Blessing ♡♥♡♥♡♥
I knew it had to be a stroke to keep Almine away. Thank you for allowing us to know the details. I know others must feel the same in that there must be a part for your followers to play in this development of demons entering the middle world? Thank you for blessing my life with your teachings.
May your journey be blessed and thank you you are our hearts and mind
not a single day passes by without thinking of you!!you are my inspiration and hope always!!!!With all my Love and prayers<3<3<3
Thank you for sharing this, blessings, my heart is with you.
Dearest Almine I am so very grateful that you and family are healing. All my love to all of you. May deep peace be yours always.
thank you Almine (and Rogier) for sharing the details of this challenging journey with me/us. Deepest Love and Joy for you, and the deepest respect for your Mastery. LPGST
This explains alot of things….too much to go into! I did see this was Almine’s medical situation…but delighted she is doing well …and I know she will return soon even more beautiful and inspiring! A white dove just minutes before someone told me about this post almost few in my open door! This the first time I have even seen a dove where I live since I have been here! Biggest hug and infinite love to you Almine. XOXOXOX
..the white dove was at my side as well today!……
Wow Soleil that is cool! I also meant to type “flew” not few. lol xx
Im so happy to hear Almine is returning into her body again and all her bodily functionings will be restored.Reading the reason of why this happened,I can only be silent.Blessings
My eternal love and appreciation. <3 prayers are with you <3