Join Team Almine for the third episode of Explorers of Consciousness. Topics include:
- The Bird With the Broken Wing (Introduction by the Seer)
- The purpose of the Principles of Godhood & Pristine Humanity
- Big bang or black hole: collapsing the external realities of fractal multiplication into inner space
- To exit the Stage Play: our 4 choices at the end of Awakening
- Why the Principles of Godhood ‘submerged’ along with the Seer in her descent to the Underworld
- Why these foundational principles of reality have to be internalized now
- The Achilles heel of the Original Ones: shunning humanity
How is that the Principles of Godhood have not been articulated earlier?
I remember Almine mentioned in some of her later materials (perhaps on resurrection) that the Gods and Goddesses have embodied them, lived them and this way established the God Reality on Earth.
How then could that happen without the actual knowing of these principles?
This was brilliant, brilliantly and clearly presented Rogier. I have a question, though am not necessarily asking for an answer, just want to put it out there…
I presume that this “final articulation” of this choice that we’ve already made (hard to word this question accurately as clearly we are already living out the reality of this choice already having been made) will be presented to us pretty quickly, like maybe within a few months? Was anything further mentioned about this?
This call filled in some really critical cognitive details for me and 100% clarified why exactly I’ve known with every fibre of my being that internalisation of everything that has previously been an external construct (including business – which I’ve been teaching) has to be done, and why the embodiment of pristine humanity is right at the core of that/is the very foundation (including in business) for reasons that I couldn’t previously explain fully. It’s so priceless to have this information being presented especially as a free offering, and I really want to extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to Team Almine for producing these events. I hope nobody mistakes the “free” nature of them for something of less value.
I’ve been experiencing the taxing of the nervous system through ongoing exhaustion that I just can’t seem to sleep off – the more explosion of perception happens, the more tired I get get, and the more time I’m having to spend just lying down or standing on the grass or anything that relaxes the nervous system a bit. Also it’s becoming increasingly stressful to be around computers, not because actually being around computers is extra stressful, but because my nervous system capacity is more maxed out all of the time. I knew this was nerous system related but just
couldn’t put my finger on exactly why or what to do about it.
The flip side of this is that listening to this call last night and the further explosion of perception it produced has made me even more tired!!! But at least I now understand greater context on what’s going on here 😉
I have been exhausted too- wih bouts of energy too. I am glad to hear it must be a part of the adjustment to the new reality
Thank you
This was fantastic, thank you so much.
August of last year when we had the full eclipse we did the Ceremony of Self Appreciation and Almine was reciting the 144 self wheels as we passed them through our bodies……..can we use that ceremony to help us embody these principles……she recited the qualities of each self wheels…..?
Released from Being trapped in the stones……May 28 posted in Messages for Lightworkers…….Almine says the souls that came from the under under world who were kept in the stones of the earth were released from the stones… of the students saw them (dark grays shapes 12in spheres) just moving through her kitchen…. they were human souls released from being trapped in the stones.
During the whole webinar and I am still feeling the essence of Eternal fountain of youth. I would like to share some insights that are unfolding
-It is self-purifying through fluid expression of Infinite Intent
-Infinite giving and receiving from itself
-Our sub-personalities receive an input of Infinite intent and align in harmony with Infinite input – Infinite receiving from it self
-Expressing Infinite intent – Infinite giving to itself
-Just like our circulatory system
-Potency of our individuated essence
-Potency of Infinite expression
-Potentized individuated expression
-Potency of Infinite intent through incorporating the Principles of pristine humanness and Godhood
-Like an oxygen imploding into an inner space, relaxing into a fun ride through inner space. It gets integrated in the inner space just like we are integrating the principles given to us by Infinite. Then it travels through an outer space- Infinite giving to itself, fulfilling the purpose of the trees exuberantly, like fulfilling our destiny to be the roots under the Infinite teachings. So we may be like the Eternal fountain of youth, fluidly fulfilling our destiny and uplift humanity.
I would like to thank you for organizing such fabulous study groups and for sharing the principles of pristine humanness.
In Reverence, Self-regard, Innocence and Intimacy through an open heart
Thank you! It reminds of the tube torus circling in and out.
With the embodying of the 585 principles of pristine humanity this moves humanity in what Almine termed Homoadmirablous ( spelling sorry ) and with the internalizing of the 441 principles of Godhood after it then moves man into the God Kingdom. this is my perception of the unfolding to take place
Hi Rogier,
Could we study the 585 Principles of Pristine Humanity in groups of 12 since all of the lists except the last one are 12 x 12=144. Thank you to you, Almine, and everyone! Listening to the webinar was very intense.
Episode 3 exciting and important – I can not wait to hear again…
What a joyous perspective for the next to come…
In glad expectations, thanks !
2 dead sparrows (in total) on my back porch (flew into the glass) within the last two weeks. I’m really hoping this just means the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another.
You’ll be able to deduce something from the symbolic reading just posted here (using the meaning of sparrows, of course).
Thank you Rogier!