Beloved Mother…I have been observing my Inner Space and it’s filled with Divine Compassion Is that the place where our Infinite Mother dwells?
The Seer:
Inner Space is the place where Divine Will is accessed; where we communicate with the voice of the Infinite One. It’s like a bridge between the Infinite and the ethereal.
Beautiful, thank you💓
BK, could ethereal in this context mean the most highly refined part of Our own Self that is in constant communion with the Infinite. The Advisor….and then the rest of Our Inner Family..communicating multidimensional omniperspectives..
Thank you G for this insight. The Advisor as ‘contact person’ through whom our other subpersonalities can align to Infinite Intent.
I like that 🌞
Although, when Almine refers to the subpersonalities or Inner Family she usually uses those terms. I can’t find a reference to her use of ‘etheric’…so far.
NIce explanation. Thank you.
Sounds pretty neat!
What is the ‘etherial’?
I’ve thought it to describe those glimpses we notice, obliquely, of nature spirits for instance. Wafting in and out of physicality.
My notion of ethereal doesn’t really seem to correspond. I think Almine must have another definition?