Question: Some say Morgellons Disease is nano-technological, is this true?
Almine: It is caused by shadow beings from the membrane between the shallow dream states (the soul realms) and the deep dream states (the spirit realms) following someone’s dream body back into their physical body after sleep. The host to such an invasion is aware that there’s something in him or her that doesn’t belong there. It feels like something is crawling under their skin.
Question: What are the “fiber-like filaments emerging from the sores”?
Almine: They are according to an angel “self-replicating protein”. He says it looks like an artificially produced substance, but it’s organic. It’s a different substance, but the principle is the same as the self-healing spacecraft used by certain star races (such as those involved in the Roswell incident). They repair their own damage.
All these years later Almine has progressively recieved and given us a succession of 12 rings of coloured lights. And early on in that series I think she said that surrounding onself at bedtime with Magenta light shields from dreamtime interference. The full protocol is probably preferable.
These don’t necessarrily heal the disease if already present however.
And these entities may no longer be present in that space wetween soul and spirit?
The LIGHT explosIONs are also important to do IN the mornINg and before goINg to bed.
They are so many POWERful tools and gifts that we all can implement IN OUr daily walks while livINg OUr most authentic lives.
Asterenuch Karanus
Thank you Almine for sharing your perspective on this subject. I would like to share that Harold Kautz -Vella has done some great research on this subject and you can find his lectures on youtube videos. Excellent.
Thank you so much as usual so much to learn and be grateful for you teachings. Is there any treatment for it. I am a very healthy fifty four years woman with ability to treat my own body including cancer I had as a young woman.. But this skin issue, I got for almost 3 years maybe more. Doesn’t really bothers me but makes me wonder.! I believe because I practice belvaspata it only shows up once a year very small in size and in one area only. But stays there for a long time. I didn’t think much about it. My body seems to know what to eat or how to respond to physical issues so I just lost my desires for some foods and eat organic mostly, eat less and decided to see our naturopathic clinic to detox my body following my Hand Book for the Healers.
I haven’t heard about Morgellons disease.before. Could it be that?hopefully not 🙂
Why these shadow beings follow the person into physicality?
In Love and Gratitude
Dear All,
I don’t know why but this article inspired me to examine the details of this phenomenon and share it with you. It feels like we have the ability to ask these right questions that reveal to us very accurate answers. It feels like an awakening of self-guidance system that is part of open-flexible system.
I feel that our own self-guidance system is the interactive (bridge) between the inner and outer reality.
This article truly inspired me to examine the details and share it with you all.
Like Almine mentioned in the answer to the second question: ” they are repairing their own damage”, it really feels like that we are repairing our own damage. These are the details that I examined about this phenomenon:
In the linear time, the system was closed system and the total momentum of a closed system remained constant through time, regardless of changes within the system.
The closed system is isolated from its environment that does not allow for interactions between internal elements and the environment, so therefore did not allow for balancing the elements within.
The open flexible system is a homeostatic system, that can quicker return to the balanced position (original position). The open-flexible system allows interactions between their internal and external environment, which is really between Macrocosmic and Microcosmic reality.
I feel that we are healing the old closed system by elastic recoil. There are many examples in our body about how this elastic recoil works. For example: When we breath in oxygen lungs stretch with an inhalation and rebound with an exhalation. Or another example when blood enters the elastic arteries after the heart contracts this causes the arteries to stretch and then they recoil to their original shape and that helps the blood to flow. What this elastic recoil allows is to return to an original state. The original pattern of existence allows us to interact like an field of ecosystem.
Let me use another example of how our body repair wounds ? Our epithelial tissue are protective barriers that have remarkable ability to repair wounds. There is an accumulation of actin and non muscle myosin II around the wound, forming a purse string. It is perfect natures closure of the wound that is an expression of innate self-healing abilities.
An open-flexible system shares the abundant resources with each other.
Almine, Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Your teachings are so clear and practical, I really value them and you! I also wonder about protocols with these shadow beings.
Love and Wholeness,
Beautiful Almine, thank you for this. I was having multiple symptoms of this late 2010 through 2011. It was horrifying, and certainly felt like I was losing my mind. I had a medical intuitive dose for me and she found that most of the organ groups in my body were”infected”. At one point, I began to see and hear these strange insectiod beings. At first it scared me. Then something told me to ask the Infinite to move them into portals of purification. That seemed to work over the course of a few weeks for at least 3 or 4 different types of these creatures. It was at least an 10 month ordeal of physical, mental and spiritual purification. It was definitely one if the most difficult things I have ever been through. Anyway, that was my encounter 🙂 so many blessings to you in this Holiday season!! Xoxo
Thank you for sharing your experience, Sunny — I commend you for persisting!
Thank you for sharing about this and how you alchemized your fear. When I read how you describe the insectoid beings it reminded me of many plant medicine ceremonies that I have attended in the Amazon, where I’ve looked up in the space where many people are sitting with the shaman and there is a dome-like membrane protecting us from what appears like hundreds maybe thousands of insectoid like beings. They would lay on top of this membrane. Many people in these ceremonies describe exactly the same sighting of these creatures. Some have elements such as scorpions, spiders and ants. The shaman describes that he and his guides open a portal vaccuum and send these up and back to where they came… Although I felt protected in the shaman’s “dome” I believe it is the fear of the collective group that attracts so many of them. Your own purification of them is impressive and it sounds like an ordeal/initiation on your path. I have not seen these beings outside of these plant medicine ceremonies, and I no longer work with plant medicines. I am very grateful for your sharing in how you worked to purify them from your space.
Thank you,
Hi Almine, first let me say that I love your bodies of work thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the world!
Is there a way one could remove these shadow beings?
Thank you,
this feels huge. I wonder what Almine could offer as protocols for treating this condition?