Today we continue our series on the art of recapitulation. This is part 2 of the series. Read part one here. This information and more can be found in Almine’s first book A Life of Miracles.
Recapitulation at Death
The recapitulation process also occurs naturally at death. For several hours following death, our soul stays inside the energy field that surrounds the body (in the shape of an egg) and our whole life passes in front of us. As we witness this, we are able to see it from God’s perspective, and as a result, our whole life is recapitulated. Then the soul passes through to the Spirit world and the energy field collapses upon itself.
Keys to Successful Recapitulation
• Remember how it appeared to us then (even through the eyes of a child if we were small).
• See the event through the eyes of the other participants (A child may completely misunderstand an adult throwing him to the ground because of a perceived threat to his safety).
• Relive the event, not just in our head, but in the heart, because we must feel it.
• Look behind the experiences and grasp what is really going on.
The following steps enable us to see behind appearances. This type of clarity yields strength because we no longer lose energy trying to make people and events relate to the world in a predetermined way. Consequently, we release the past and all the baggage associated with it.
Nine Steps of Releasing the Past
For any person or situation that still brings up painful emotions, ask these nine questions: Please note that the first five questions assist us in seeing what is really going on. Use the intellect for this part because it was designed to help us discern what is behind surface appearances.
To be continued…
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