We thought you might enjoy this little snippet of information by Almine from her newest online course “Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way“. It is thought provoking, to say the least…
Check out another post we made with more very intriguing information from this course, about the Seer of Seers, here.
Of course, this is part of a much larger body of information. Still, how do you view this revelation?
1st post today.
After my experience with life after death, I yearn to return. I felt the most powerful love electrifiying my whole spirit body, a love I have never experienced her on earth. My welcoming Angel was an ancient ancestor, who reassured my return to this light and love will occur upon completion of my earthly task. I returned to my physical earth life with spiritual gifts.
A beautiful adventure you have had, Sunrise. Thank you for sharing this perspective to the further enrichment of this discussion… it is so easy to strand in black and white views with this. And, last but not least, welcome to the diary!
Team Almine
What Almine says is fascinating. We obviosly need to learn more about this subject. Niels makes some valid points. I also resonate with some of what Gloria has whritten I have always thought that the manner of how you have conducted yourself in the life you have lived and the deeds you have done would determine your welcoming commitee in the next world.
Some choose not to cross over the 4th dimension and become trapped souls, they are still in limbo on the Earth plane invisible to most however their energy can be more easily felt amongst us. That is certainly not a joyful place to be.
It is probably like your first day at school all over again even though we have experienced the transition so many times before
Just a little something that got triggered by your post there, Jack.
Whatever you believe about death, it can be a trigger to live your life differently. For example, I use the concept of death to help me undo myself of the bondages of society, from the opinion of others. Is it correct? Is it acceptable? What will others think? These are questions that do not matter when faced with your own mortality, nor with your own immortality, come to think of it.
Welcome to the diary, thank you for sharing!
Team Almine
Interestingly in the sci-fi series Voyager, there is an episode namely “Coda” where Captain Janeway has a near death experience, during which she meets her deceased father… but as she suspected it was not really him… it was an alien who could have appeared to her in whatever form (depending on what she believed/loved)… this alien was trying to attrack her to his world (notice that he couldn’t drag her in, she had to willingly follow him, he didn’t have the power to pull her in without her permission/free will) so he could feed off her (the final scene sure had tones similar to the idea of hell… and alien type of hell).
By using such trickery, whatever is waiting for us when we die, can bypass this free will law… imagine now, people who commit suicide thinking they are going to be relieve of their Earth bound “hell” only to find worse! (In Asia, they often portray people who commit suicide as reliving over and over their last tormented moments and their death…)
Meghan, I was an avid Voyager fan and remember that episode! I loved that show! π Also, in the movie Contact, the “friendly” aliens presented themselves to Jodi Foster’s character as her deceased father, to make her more comfortable… she figured out right away it wasn’t him and said the same.. and they said, “yes, you are correct, we just wanted to make it easier for you” …
My understanding from what Almine has taught us, as well as from my own feelings is this……Two dreambodies of Spirit say “Laugh your laughter but not all of it” “Cry your tears but not all of them”. When we disobey we have stepped outside of their box……….double trouble.
I’m sure there is a way via consciousness to transcend any traps. I’m not worried about it. I’ve been here so many times before (most of us have) so clearly we either have been transcending it or got out of it if we were trapped. I think the light workers probably have a special worm hole to zip us away to safefy. π Hey, I second that request for the dream interferance prevention sigil… I need it.! I have not been as diligent at protecting myself as I could be, but a sigil would help me focus on that! Thank you!
I think that initially,when we die, we experience the illusions and projections of our human mind.But we don’t have to fear deception at that point.It is normal to want to rest and experience a heaven,after the death trauma,and that is O.K.
We will not be deceived in the after life.We will go to a place of our choosing,within our comfort zone,in accordance with our vibrational level.This is not to say, that there is no deception in the spirit world.There is plenty of deception and corruption amongst spirits.However,if we were not attracted to such spirits during our life time,we will not be attracted to them in the afterlife.Like attracts like.We will go as souls to our loved ones and avoid the evil spirits.Even if we had fallen during our life time among evil spirits,we would still have the option to not join them after death.We will have free will and a greater clarity, than we had during our physical life.This will enable us to go back on course,if we had diverted.This is what I know.
Do you agree with me?
I think the main point for me to take from this is, as always, to not take my own belief systems too seriously and at the same time not taking anything at face value.
Almine talks about this from the macro, macro level of existence where subjects like soul and spirit and body are part of the original fracturing of the Infinite. As such they are illusional and have power struggle issues within the confined space we call the matrix of duality. So, indeed on any level of existence there is control and deceit. Still, I enjoy life to the fullest, even though I have my awareness that not is all as it seems.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share, Gloria. Welcome to Almine’s blog. Keep sharing your beautiful perspectives.
Team Almine
This information makes sense to me, and clears up some confusion I had about agendas on the soul level. It confirms my suspicions…but, of course, raises more questions. If, once you cross over into the non-physical soul level, you recognize that there are matrices of control, where do you go to avoid them? Thank you for sharing this information!
This is the ultimate nature of the game of mirrors… every answer begets another question… π Always fun to see it confirmed, Jill. And welcome here on the blog!
While we are mentioning that whole subject, Niels, I think it would be great if the sigil to prevent interference in the dream time could be shared via the Diary.
A good tip, Marc. I will post it tomorrow as a “by popular request”. I did do a quick search and saw it was not on the diary yet…
i dont think there is a greater bondage in death than there is in life, i am sure when the rest of it comes up there will be a much greater understanding of what she meant,, how can there be greater bondage without a body or mind to be controlled doesnt make much sense to me
anyway i have a ball of darkness in my stomach which is causing me some problems does anyone here have any idea what it could be
Oh THANKS Neils for that CLIFHANGER… ??? What the?? lol π
Hahaha, glad you liked it ;-P