Almine has often said that when we walk this journey together and actually implement the teachings and live our lives expressing who we truly are, miracles become commonplace. Many of our sisters and brothers around the world experience miracles in their daily lives and besides being a wonderful event for those they affect directly, they also serve as a great inspiration for the rest of us. In our different radioshows, forums and books, miracles are described and discussed, for example with the Belvaspata healings. But why is it that there are actually not even more miracles being reported? And why do they happen, or not, in the first place?
A miracle is actually the definition of the magical life. It is what happens when the gap between cause and effect is closed. To do that it is imperative that we reduce life to the eternal moment – to live in the moment and stretch it like a soap bubble. When in this moment of peace we only do what the moment requires, and the knowing of what to do comes from the inner senses’ prompting. They come alive when we fully, and simultaneously, live the four perspectives. You can read more about them here.
One of the reasons that miracles don’t always get recognized is that people tend to disacknowledge that it even happened. Because the incident might be so far away from their world view that to accept what happened as a fact, would pull the rug away from under their feet. So they come up with a logical explanation that they can relate to. In the past it seems like miracles happened a lot more often and out in the open, but due to cosmic changes and the nature of time and space, this has changed.
Many lightworkers feel that they do their “homework” and long for certain manifestations to take place, or wonder why miracles happen to some people and not others. In the current online course Answers for Lightworkers 2, Almine explains about three reasons why miracles may or may not happen:
1. The 100th monkey effect
When an established grid of information has been created it makes it easier to access for others. So when enough people have shifted and brought it to a point of change, miracles seem to happen more often for them.
2. Attachment to outcome
When we are looking for a certain miracle, we impose our will on life. We can’t always get what we want, because sometimes it aligns with Infinite intent, sometimes it involves other people, animals etc. A large portion of ourselves is unknown and we don’t have the complete overview or remembrance of agreements, for example between loved ones, pets etc.
3. Perhaps not the best for us
When one door closes, another must open. It’s a river, not a closed pond. If the miracle were to happen it might deprive you of something better further down the river.
At the recent Shamanic Women’s Retreat that I was so privileged to join, a new reality was birthed. Life has gone up a level and I feel in my heart that we can indeed live a miraculous life, and that we now have the tools to do it in a whole new way. I am ready for more miracles in my life!
My mother who is very elderly but has always been youthful for her age, became very ill in February, contracting the H1N1 Flu, a double pneumonia and congestive heart failure. She was in the ICU for 3.5 weeks (longer than most are ever in the ICU). Of the four doctors only one felt she could pull through. And although we almost lost her on two occasions, much to the complete surprise of the doctors, she began to improve and get over every hurdle/complication resulting from 3.5 weeks on tubes and a breathing assisting machine presented. Today she is home, shocking her physical therapists by climbing stairs, eating solid food, having lengthy phone conversations and reading lots of books.
What is really cool, is that during one of our conversations she told me that while she was in that unaware state for those three weeks, on two occasions she saw a tunnel of light which she said reminded her of a clothes dryer going round, and there was a voice that asked her very clearly, “Do you want to stay, or do you want to go?” to which she replied both times “Stay.” This correlates to the two times we almost lost her. Well I thought that was too cool and am so happy for her because she’s has no fear of passing… 😀
Talk about miracles becoming everyday. My diabetic father, who lives in the house with me, has just reported to me that he has reduced his insulin shots for the past several days and now it’s down to 10 units, from a blast of 20 units that he has been taking for months or even years. :O
All I’m doing is using the tools on myself. I may have intervened a little during his sleep time but that’s about it. Oh, and sometimes he takes Apple Cider Vinegar, when I remind him. So this is not a regular practice.
Great piece indeed! Thank you Malue 😀
Thanks Malue. You know, one of the things I have noticed, since the miracle of the social network community was formed, is how much synchronicity we are all encountering. It might be bouncing off someone elses current, but, we are sometimes catching the miracle back lash from other persons on From the many accounts on that site, I have noticed that people notice their surroundings more and the magical encounters they have with their neighbours or even just strangers. For me, it kind of feels like I’m falling asleep or close to it when the whole seen in front of me changes. People I am talking to, in that moment, also pause and kind of close their eyes a bit when that happens. After that, I have noticed that the whole scenario has changed. Sort of like working with a green screen fo CG special effects. As Malue says, we just have to stay clear in our hearts and things change. I have noticed this most clearly in my family members and how much more communicative they have all become. It’s as if none of the past exists anymore. That’s key, I find, people don’t really remember anything about their bad behaviour from the past and how much better and differently they now behave. It’s really amazing.
🙂 Thanks Niels!
I didn’t know about the monkey research, that’s interesting. But yes, the phenomena is very real indeed nevertheless 🙂
BTW, it seems like the 100th monkey effect, the actual study, is an “urban legend”, i.e. the scientists of that particular study were not completely honest in their findings, but the general idea stuck in people’s head.
Since that time, multiple other studies have shown that something akin to the 100th monkey effect exists, as in when something has been accessed before, it is easier for other people to access that same information again. Most notably dr. Rupert Sheldrake has been involved in this research, to my knowledge.
This is all for clarity’s sake. Although the initial study has been disproven, it does seem to point to an underlying interesting phenomena that is very real 🙂
Team Almine
Malue is back on the diary!
Loved the piece, Malue.
Team Almine