With gratitude in our hearts for all of you sharing, we announce today the winners of the Almine miracle story ‘competition’. From all of your entries we blindly picked 3 winners (yes, 3! Almine wanted an extra winner).
They are:
- Doris Cutknife – Hobbema Reserve, Canada
- Andrey Goncharov, Russia
And our extra winner is
- Holly Stockwell, Ohio, USA
Below we will share their stories. A big congratulations to you, Doris, Andrey and Holly, and a big thank you for all who have participated. The enthusiasm and amount of responses that we have received have far exceeded our expectations. Thank you for reminding us of the magical perspective and even though you may not have won, perhaps you will still join Almine on her ‘cruise of miracles retreat‘ in the Caribbean, this January 2015. By the way, discount cruise prices are still available through August 28th – connect with Tim for more information: tim@almine.info
During my first retreat, Almine activated my ability to speak languages. Words flow from my mouth now. They express as words, chants and songs. I can consciously ask for a language to come forth and other times they bubble up to hover within my mouth until I let them out. Most of the time, I don’t understand what is being said, but I always feel them. Some languages make my inner child laugh and giggle with delight or my feet dance. Some open and heal my heart with tears. Other languages fill me with profound and deep awareness of the Oneness of all Life. As Almine has said, each language changes our perspective whether we understand what is being said or not. I have let go of any need to translate – a huge step in releasing the tyranny of the mind.
Many times, when a language comes forth for my Mom, I can translate the message into English, even if I don’t under what is being said. Each language is sacred and I am humbled that this is an expression of my being at this time. I treat each experience as the miracle they are.
I want to share about my miracle blessing. In November 2013 I attended Almine’s seminar in Moscow and right afterwards I was also supposed to attend the “private” retreat, but due to circumstances, I was not able to. During the time of the retreat, I had a dream: Carrying flowers, I walk into a hall where people are sitting on chairs and there is a table. I understand I am at Almine’s retreat. I put the flowers into a vase and sit in a chair. Almine comes in and sits down, talks about something I don’t remember, and then calls for Andrey. I understand she is calling me, but I look around in disbelief, very surprised, with lots of thoughts in my head: “Why me?” I go up to the table and sit down. Almine smiles and with both hands takes a rose bud, carries it to my left shoulder and hangs it on my collar. But instead of a rose on my collar, a sigil appears, just like the Belvaspata sigils – maybe it is an angel sigil, maybe something else. But after this an unbelievably great wave of bliss, happiness and joy washes over me, my legs buckle under me and I can’t walk, I don’t want to talk, I only laugh and giggle. I try to move my arms, and it seemed very funny.
Almost all the rest of the time, my friend carries me like a sack of potatoes – either on his back, or his shoulders, or under his arm. He tries to stand me up on my feet, but I laugh and giggle in bliss and happiness and I slide down or collapse when he tries to make me stand up, and I can’t talk out of happiness. He is very displeased with my behavior, we walk outside on the street, then inside someplace to a store or museum, people start to look at us funny, which makes me laugh even harder. We go into a theater and my friend says that he has had enough and goes away and leaves me. For some time in this state I watch a play on the stage with great pleasure. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ALMINE – unfortunately, I cannot express in words the gratitude and love that come from my heart.
My son-in-law went out onto the back patio around 11:30 p.m. last night. He noticed a minuscule light in the area near my house and he watched it for a while. Next thing he knew, there were other ‘lights’ and in his estimation, there were hundreds. He noticed one of these ‘lights’ flew above the rest and at lightning speed, sped across. He was pretty amazed by whole thing and he couldn’t figure out what they were. I’ve been reading “Arubafirina” and wondered if that had something to do with what he saw. I told him they were fairies and it sure warmed my heart that they appeared! As a side note, I went out to the same spot and was utterly in awe, I SAW THEM too!
Almine confirmed that the fairies were seen because I was reading the fairy book, Arubafirina. When someone is reading the fairy names and the spells, the fairies may appear.
Read all entries on Ascension.net and AlmineDiary.com
Update August 28th: Read responses from Holly and Doris on winning the cruise in this post here.
as am reading these stories my heart bubble with joy its like am part of it…. so strange feeling, I m filled with a deep sense of gratitude that words cant express.. the heart understand the language of truth as it hears…congratulations to all winners, you deserve it and much more dearly. hug
CONGRATULATIONS, Doris, Holly and Andrey!! Such a wonderful gift and blessing. I can just imagine how excited you are!!
All my love
Ailsa (from South Africa)
How Truly Wonderful! I am SO happy for the winners, their lives are deeply blessed with abundance! awesomeness fantastico! Congratulations! XO
Congratulations Doris, Andrey and Holly! Much gratitude for sharing your inspiring stories! I wish you a magical cruise together with beloved Almine and our wonderful light family. Love and blessings <3 <3 <3
Congratulations to the winners and their beautiful miracles. They are wonderfully inspiring !
Congratulations Holly, Andrey and Doris! Please have a wonderful time on the cruise and, if you are moved to do so, drop a line to let us know your experiences. I am so excited for you!!!