Happy weekend everyone! It is time for Almine’s weekly prediction. After last week’s subtle change in energy and power, this week is all about deep meaningful living…
Prediction for the week of February 17 – February 23, 2013
You will discover yourself this week, if you take time for deep meaningful living. Find your strengths and the effortless journey of one who sees with the eyes of a poet. Possibilities will appear where previously they could not be seen.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of February 10 – February 16, 2013
This week will have a shift in power and subtle but profound changes in how energy is distributed. Dysfunctional tyrants will lose dominance, as we release the desire to control life. Living and interacting with others will take on a new meaning.
As always, tell us what inspires you of the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
Dear Lydia, I just read your post here and I am so pleased to see that Dhani has responded. I met you at the Red Deer retreat and I’ve not forgotten who you are. I introduced myself to you and we were in group together putting our ideas down for Almine. I send you warm hugs and love. I have thought of you often since our time last year. Be well and know that you are loved and are love….
Oh thank you Dhani, yes I thought it had to do with matrices, the distrust and the “don’t talk about things to other people who may label you as crazy and it’s too sacred to share with others…” Not that I know much at all but my little immediate family has some gifts from the Thunderbird, the bear, the eagle, the horse, and now Dragon. We have no word for dragons. I have asked elders and they just look at me and don’t know what to say so I leave it alone! It gets easier after I cry, it is interesting that when I do, everything comes very clear as to why my throat has been hurting, or my sinuses and my head. I have not been expressing! I have always been looked at as strange, too outspoken, too this and too that so there came a time when I just shut up and did not associate with anyone at all because whatever I said it was the wrong thing, too deep, too much. I was not able to talk about clothes and fashions, color of nail polish, eye shadow, the kind of nails to get put on, the bars I go to, those were not what I was interested in. So in going through this time in my life, I find I am learning so much and learning again how to forgive at a much deeper level. I always wonder what is true freedom? I believe up to this point, the little snippets of the power and beauty and tingling in my cells were teasers, like the universe saying to me, if you clean it all up, you can have more of this!!! And you know what, yes I want more of it! I want to run with the wind, in the tall flowing grass down the hill like I did as a child, total freedom even if it was a storm coming! Laughing out loud at the top of my lungs in sheer joy and freedom! Yes and yes! I love you Dhani, thank you for helping me put it in perspective!
I’m sure you know this Lydia…but…go ahead and cry. Good for ya….Yes, these days can be pretty emotional as I suspect the Frequency bands are getting adjusted. You know, up the light, up the frquency game we play. No worries. Me too…I cry sometimes…. Might be a sign that we are dissolving loads of matrices. Sticky little buggers aren’t they…..these matrices…oh well. On with the show as they say. Keep rockin girl, you GO!!
I know some other elders from the Hobema reserve (from my work with them in Victoria). They are also distrustful of speaking about those alternate world beings…like the little people…or giants…etc. that they see. The distrust is one more matrice to be dissolved.
Almine says it’s getting easier. Because people are talking about all kinds of taboo subjects…..like Nirvana and meditations…..seems everyone is meditating these days. Maybe people will even be able to see miracles soon…..we hope!
Within myself last week, I realized the inner nurturer had become a dysfunctional tyrant and last night on my way home from Calgary, I was thinking about the many murdered victims on the Yellowhead highway, mostly female aboriginal young women, and I started composing a play, complete with song and dance in my mind. I broke down as I realized I so related to their being on the lost highway, alone and eventually murdered. It came down to point zero where I was crying because I saw and felt all the tragedy of why, how and even who did it and my inner nurturer took over and comforted my inner child. I felt the inner warrior and inner sage standing by. It was such a humbling experience, comforting and so needed at this time. I am dealing with major life issues with my Indian Residential School hearing coming up. I also realized I had been impacted by four foundational upheavals because of the intergenerational trauma. My mother, number 1 was emotionally unavailable to me and did not talk to me about life’s experiences. My late cousin, whose father and mother went to the same boarding school as my late mother had probably been sexually abused by someone who was intoxicated at one of their many wild parties and he in turn molested me. He was also FASD. Then my other cousin, whose mother went to the same boarding school, also came home very bitter and had many lovers and partners and fathers of her children. Her children left home long before they were of age. That cousin did not even admit to our being related through my father in court. So yes I have issues, which have fueled the rage I feel, which explains the inflammation within my joints. Yes I have blamed white people for their greed for this land and the resources and for the hate they have for us, based on racial memory fear, as Almine told it at the Red Deer Retreat last April, the Cree people wiped out every man, women and child off the face of one part of the earth at an earlier time, eons ago. That explains the feeling I have always had there was karma as to why the Cree people and many tribes have undergone this time of being lower than the salt of the earth. This is also the reason why I am reluctant to share the information I have regarding the stories and legends of say the Thunder beings, little people etc. the Wooden Indians, the giants, the Sasquatch. Because I still have distrust within me as to the motives. This website does not have many Cree or other native american people sharing their views and experiences and I wonder why? maybe I am the one to lead the way to finding that inner peace and beauty we so long for! At any rate it is painful work and I cry at the load of it all sometimes. I think I am not the only one am I? It seems at this time I cry at every little thing that smacks of injustice, tyrants and loss of freedoms. I am so grateful for this site. Thank you!
Lydia, the things you write here on Almine’s blog, every week with the Weekly Predictions, are an inspiration to many in how to put her teachings into practice on a day to day basis. Thank you for your ongoing sharing!
Team Almine