“Infinite Alchemy works with the fractal patterns of the cosmos. A simple original pattern duplicates itself over and over again, with increasing added complexity. By focusing on the original simple pattern, and changing that, all other generations of patterns immediately change.”
“In your reality you are that original pattern, that duplicates itself over and over again, with increasing added complexity, in your environment. If you focus on the original pattern, namely yourself, and change that, all else must change.”
From: Messages from the Lemurian Angels book and online course by The Seer Almine
Dear Almine I nave sent you some healing energies
Be well.
great recording and as always valuable message , thank you for sharing this!
many many blessings and energy to Almine, it gets pretty lonely without your online presence!
the one never forgot the many , the many forgot the one….has been in my thoughts for awhile now,,,,my blessings to almine
Dear Almine. I am at a state where I realize that my core self is that which is responsible for both the creation and undoing of “illusory physical effects” ~ Most notably I am referring to high velocity, funnel-like circular winds ~ thank you for this deeply inspiring, gently powerful reminder.
Thank you Almine.
Many blessings.
I love the Infinite’s timing. I had just read these Angel insights on Jan. 9 and kept asking myself ” where and what is the original pattern?” Thank you Almine and Love Praise and Gratitude for all the teachings and most of all – you!
Lovely reminder
In deep love, praise and gratitude
where in this increasing added complexity can we be most required to feel welcomed without pushing or shoving to fit in and be of service to others in this environment with any or real value to the team of this greater complexity ?
Thank You Almine, So Inspiring! What a blessing to hear this message. Knowing that I am the original pattern, i can change without changing me, and affect my surroundings in a more beautiful way.
Many Blessings to you, And may this Great work continue to improve Humanity.
Bless Your Team!
Eager to hear how Almine is doing! Thank you!
Thank you Almine for Everything! LPGT
Resonating very strongly with what you said, Almine!:
– that the original pattern of self needs to be changed to undo/end the apparent karmic loop pattern (still resurfacing as a physical problem in spite of all the healing work I’ve done) as an impediment to my purest intentions. I have believed that when I pre-planned this present incarnation, I made the wrong choice of pattern while in causal existence. I was told a while ago that I can be helped only from an 18th dimensional consciousness, in order to get to the root” of it.
Unfortunately, I seem to also have “cut myself off” of all previous extra-sensory perception tools/abilities, to maybe ‘prove’ something – as if I were “my own worst (inner) enemy” to self manifestion on the planet.
Thank you for this important confirmation of my own ‘hunch’. I know that geometry forms are the building blocks of creation, although I can’t “see” them, I wonder and will try and meditate on what original sound of words/phrase/ideology would correspond to having produced my
complex karmic pattern that seems to keep me bound in it.
Thank you, Almine. Thanks for your contribution to our (if partial) access
to Understanding.,
and heartfelt Love
Thank you. How is Almine doing? Please let us know if she is better.
Happy 2015- Much Love, Light, Praise, Gratitude, & Delight to Almine, & You All!
Thank-you for sharing such profound and deep wisdom. I feel the resonance!
Thank you for this powerful message. Will listen again!