I hope this is not an irrelevant question and that I’m not missing the point of surrendered trust and everything we do, but I have a concern about this global roll out of the 5G tech… I mean 20,000 satellites? That’s very invasive. I wear the Sacred Space shirt, and I have the sigils in every corner of my home, but I can’t help but still feel vulnerable living near a major tower. Is it also recommended we sleep in a silver threaded sleeping bag like the ones they sell in earthing product stores? Or are we really genuinely protected by the high magic we use? Is it going to be essential to use the bath salts in the days ahead?
The Seer:
Dearest, yes, it is extremely important to use the salts regularly. I haven’t done the math yet to see if it’s a good business decision, but as I write this to you, I feel so strongly that we need the necessary tools against these invasive frequencies that I’m prepared to pay the shipping costs within the continental USA* if you order a year’s supply (12 bags of salt). A bag of the EMF bath salt contains three and a half cups of salt. You should be bathing in 3/4 – 1 cup of the EMF salt once a week (thus two cups, or one bag, a month). Here’s why:
The bombardment by these hostile waveforms creates openings — they show up as holes on Kirlian photography of the protective fields around the body. These energetic gaps let additional invasions in. The additional three colors (apple green, aquamarine, and peach that we are just learning how to generate within ourselves and use in our Light Explosion Protocol) are tools to shield against hostile and ‘incurable’ viruses, fungi and parasites. But as with all our work, the blessings, gifts and tools build on each other. These three additional gifts require that the holes, that cause additional vulnerabilities in the fields be removed. The EMF protection t-shirts, bath salts, and alchemical oil (Sacred Space oil) have become more important than ever.
Click here to order a 12-month supply of salts.
More Reasons Why These Need to Be a Part of Your Personal Care Rituals:
The qualities of the three additional colors are more tested than ever. Some of the prophecies I gave as to why they will be needed are starting to come to pass. There is a man-made (it appears to be a virus produced by Russian scientists during the Cold War era) virus that at present does not have a cure, that’s causing people all around the world to fall into a lethal, unexplained coma. There is a deadly, ancient fungus that is more contagious than anything I’ve ever encountered, that has spread through hospitals worldwide. There is an intestinal parasite, resembling a tapeworm, that has in some way mutated and is now burrowing it’s way into the brain tissue.
These really do work if you live your highest truth as a god among men. Use whatever assistance you have been given as sacred tools, and activate the High Magic running through you, by believing in it.
*Although we have resellers of the pre-blessed bath salts in Europe, Canada and Moscow for your convenience, any special offers they may offer are at their discretion. That is why the specials we offer are aimed at students within the United States.
The Sacred Space EMF Protection T-Shirts are 50% off during the month of July! Get yours→
Hmmm! For years, I have learnt of the existence of such viruses and lethal/deadly technologies. When I get the confirmation from the Seer, that s serious. Hopefully, we already have the gift, the tools to fight against all those craziness from some dark soul of mankind.We just have to act accordingly.
Let me share with you, Dear ones, what I read or learnt from the microwave technology.How it came to us in our household equipment and what damages it has been causing us.?
I learnt that it was during world war II, there was an agreement with some hostile beings coming from another world called extra-terrestrial and part of the shadow government on Earth to win the war. Technology vs abdiction..The extra terrestrials gave the technology and as counter party, they were allowed to come on Earth and kidnap Human beings and bring them to their colonies with the preference for Kids for ADN experimentation and for soldiers to fight in their different wars.
The scientists of the shadow government started to develop the dark technology to make guns/bombs for the war; lots of money were invested for such projects .Booom! WWII ended earlier that predicted/planned. There was really no need to make that specific arm. Then came the question on the table? What are we going to do with this technology? We already spent lot of money on it. and the idea came to bring this deadly technology to us to our household through the microwave technology. What it does? It just kills the enzymes, the live part of the foods. So, when you eat foods heated on microwave, you just eat dead foods. no energy no enzymes .nothing.As you can see, in terms of destroying life, the microwave technology has basically the same effect than the atomic bomb. I haven’t used it for years since I learnt/read all of these.
We are facing all kinds of hostilities every day, we just have to find a way to use all the tools of protection in a daily basis.
Let me share with how I have been using the EMF salt bath in the most effective way on a daily basis for around six months. I bought one oil and one bag of salt around six seven months ago. In addition to the sigil that I have as background in my computers, a picture on cell phone and a reduced printed version on the phone’s case, I took only on bath with part of the bag of the salt and used the remaining portion on natural liquid soap mad with Lavender oil and so. A 32 oz liquid soap bottle lasts for 2/3/4 weeks. I just introduced one/two/three teaspoons of EMF salt into a 32 oz liquid soap bottles, on a daily basis, I have been int touch with it an so for the last six months, I still have some available for the next liquid soap bottle.
I used the oil sometime one a week..
Of course, I am going to take advantage of the shirt sale discount to buy some to enhance the protection. I also do the Light Explosion Protocol mostly in the morning.
Until now, we are well and fully equiped to win this war.We just have to fight on a daily, hourly basis as much as we can without fears without doubt.
One day, I will have to share with you a story of miracles in my life after entering officially in this journey
I want to share my current experience right now, perhaps it’s related to something.
Since early today the top right part of my lip is quivering. I don’t feel good. I don’t know how to explain the feeling but my breathing feels shallow. I can feel a sort of pain and pressure in my heart area. It’s almost like my circulation is bad or as though high blood pressure. I checked my pressure a moment ago and it’s fine. I don’t know what it feels like to but it feels like I’m gonna have a heart attack or a stroke, or like I’m gonna die. I’ve been attributing this to stress and anxiety today but perhaps it’s something more on a spiritual level.
Since Monday I have had no energy and can hardly function. I feel my cells vibrating. This is usually tied to some specific healing work or transition we are going through. Maybe if enough of us are going through something, Almine will comment.
Dear Almine….may I ask a question….
What is the effect of the EMF on our awareness particles of which our bodies consist of since we entered into the Field of the One?
My own view is that the global 5G rollout – involving technologies that have been “weaponized” for decades within classified military projects – must be stopped by concerted citizen action, in that these technologies pose a very serious threat to all nature as well as all human life. It is not just that the strength of the 5G microwave technologies scramble human DNA – ascension effects ultimately depending on DNA metamorphosis – but there is ample documentation they kill and disorient birds, bees…all life forms.
The overall 5G “Smart Grid” IoT master plan – back-stopped by a completely falsified, massively funded fiction re: a “man-made CO2 based climate emergency” – is the penultimate effort of the primary “non-life enhancing” cosmic element to lock down life on planet Earth within a matrix in which freedom, health and ascension are effectively impossible.
Bath salts and the protocols mentioned may be effective, but my own suggestion is that the focus should be on nullifying and transforming the negative intentions behind the global 5G IoT “Smart Grid” plan into a life-enhancing outcome via a coordinated combination of both Hoponopono methods and conventional public education and activism.
TakeBackYourPower.net and the “5G Apocalypse” documentary have good background material re: 5G issues as well as many other internet resources.
Thank you for this in-depth response, Almine and A-Team. I do wish we weren’t so far away geographically! It will a bit of a financial commitment for me to have them sent to Australia but I am so happy that all of our lightfamily in the US are fortunate to be given this gift of free shipping for the sacred space tools. 🙏🌷
Hello, Ciara and all – I can answer that Almine has previously stated (even during the most recent June retreat) that we can with intent add our home, family, property, animals, and so on to our Light Explosion protocol. This way, they are also protected by its influence. She suggested we could do the protocol at night before we sleep (when she stated that we are most vulnerable to ‘interference’), in the am upon awakening and even throughout the day as we are prompted…in line at the grocery store, at our desk at work, etc because it can be done quickly and without anyone knowing what you are doing. I hope this helps!
Almine has recently updated the Light Explosion protocol and it will be available soon. I suggest keeping an eye our weekly newsletter and here on posts of Almine Diary. I do know if EMF tees are purchased, the new protocol is to be included with purchase. It may also be shared at the July Ohio retreat and the upcoming July Premier webinar. Stay tuned!
Thank you so much Jan, that helps a whole lot! This is exactly what I’ve been doing and it seems to be working so far, so all good! I will trust even more deeply in the power of our natural High Magic.
Almine… Thankyou so much for this post… I have noticed as I walked through the Ocean Irish Sea, last week my right ankle started to swell right under the ankle bone.. It looks like I now have 3 ankle bones… But it is not bone it seems like muscle of calcifications So my feeling was a distortion within the masculine aspect in how I have been walking through my life ré flexibilities and perhaps held on belief systems… But it also feels to me like something Alien has entered my stratesfere… And how to get rid of it…!at first I felt like there had been some kind of dna mix up of some kind ré teleportation…now when I read your post here and listened on lightworkers it seems all interconnected… Almine, I have been doing the light explosions most days, and trying to live them as best I can.. What is interesting is before this post I felt the very strong pull to get the bath salts… And will order this week!! Will the salts help pull this out of my ankle…. to help dissolve this physical distortion… Whilst working on my inner self..
Beloved Almine, could it possibly please just be confirmed that these new alchemical potencies of light are good to protect our pets and other loved ones too? I assume they are given that the standard light explosions protocol forms a shield around wherever we place it, but I’d just like to be absolutely sure…