Well, we’ve been looking forward to this for quite some time. So, without further ado, here’s the assignment for month 1 (August, 2013) of Almine’s Caribbean Treasure Hunt:
Assignment Month 1
What 3 pieces of Almine’s material do you think go great with:
Assuming another’s viewpoint
Each individuation has another viewpoint
A unique perspective of unfolding life
Have you a question you would ask?
Ask then, and wait to perceive
Become the wind or the water
Feel it run through your being
Experience being a raging storm
Or the cool depths of a mountain pool
Have no thought for the question you asked
Just be another and then resume your form
In the stillness of your being the answer now awaits
Source: Almine’s online course Beyond Mortality, day 5: 2nd of 4 ways to communicate that eliminate the illusions of words.
Remember, if you follow the requirements, every entry is eligible to win the grand prize. There is no specific right answer, other than you telling us your inspiration and thoughts on the connection you made between this piece and any other part of Almine’s materials. What is the connection you made? Share your entry by creating your own thread on the sub forum for the treasure hunt on Ascension.net.
I Want to Join In! What Do I Do? – Rules and Requirements
Entering into the treasure hunt is easy!
1: Join Almine’s social network Ascension.net.
2: Go to the sub-forum for the treasure hunt.
3: Wait till the assignment is announced on August 1st (and again on September 1st and October 1st).
4: Follow the guidelines and enter your bid by starting your own thread on the sub-forum!
Every month a new “assignment” will be given and you can re-enter the hunt if you didn’t win the month before. Every month, your job is to search and find three pieces of Almine information -from books, online courses, audios, blogposts, anything you can find really- that you think go great with and add to the initial information of the assignment. Let us know (1) why you chose this piece, also (2) what you think of Almine’s source material and don’t forget to (3) link to the source as well, so other people can continue reading what inspired you. One of your three answers can (optional) be your own creative expression; art pieces, dances captured on film, dream poetry, recorded audios, photographs, poems. Surprise us! The other two pieces have to hail from Almine’s huge body of work. It’s going to be a 3 month circus of insights and sharing based on Almine’s teachings. We can’t wait to see what you will come up with!
Continue reading for more information, prizes and examples here.
Read entries by others and submit your own here.
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