While in a conversation with The Seer during a short drive, I asked Her about real estate decisions. Whether to sell or buy real estate. With Her permission, I’m sharing Her reply:
The Seer:
“Just so you know … I’m not knowledgeable about real estate trends and hope I am asking the right questions, but to the best that I can see, the influences in the real estate price fluctuations will be:
• The inflation of prices for raw materials and transportation means they are going to steadily climb in price, and then in 7-8 years be unaffordably high for buying houses.
• People are really starting to feel the pinch economically. So few people are building and few people are buying.
• Interest rates are climbing too so few people can get mortgages
What does all this mean? Fewer buyers mean that the prices are being pushed down, but renovations and buildings are costing more and therefore pushing prices up. I’m not quite sure what these trends equate to except for the following possibility: houses will stay on the market longer and remain at unrealistically high prices with fewer buyers able to afford them.
Please think this through carefully. Study market trends and do your own research, please. Everyone is nervous and banks aren’t lending money as freely as before. My gut feeling is to dig yourself in and get supplies and get out of debt. How you can best accomplish that, I’ll have to leave it up to you.”
I also asked if gas prices will be going up much further…because this affects the prices of shipping and the cost of commodities that are being transported by trucks.
The Seer:
“Much, much higher.”
During the time I had The Seer in my car, I asked how applicable the dire prophecies for America’s west coast still were. The answer She gave me, I share with you with Her permission:
The Seer:
“I have searched everywhere I could think of, to find a glimmer of hope that would indicate that a possibility exists that these prophecies of destruction could be preventable. Even though the San Fransisco area (called the seat of Artificial Intelligence in the prophecies) is still under a very large threat over the next three to five years, the Northern parts of the coast (in Oregon and Washington) had one small glimmer that it could be spared. Although this hope is as yet a slender one for areas close to the coast, at least it’s there.
The formation of a neutral field of existence* will greatly assist to provide stability and more graceful solutions for change. Perhaps even that little flame of Hope can be fanned into something bigger. “
Hunt says
It’s always good to have a heads up about the property market. So, my mother owns her house outright. There is zero mortgage. BUT land rates (taxes) are still applicable. Is anyone experiencing price increase in these areas? If yes, then this would essentially mean that land rates are almost the same as paying an extra portion of rent or mortgage…which means that when they aren’t paid…
Alexandra says
REALLY hoping for all of these illegal taxes to be the first to go.
Dhani says
Oh okaaayyyy……was wondering about the Oregon coast. Good to have these answers Tina and I agree totally.
Barbara Kathryn says
Besides our self-work over the next two months…and beyond… with the 20 Principles of Hope and the Alchemical equation this creates, there is also the very recent PS for California. It addresses the earth instability, and offers this insight into why AI is comfy there: “May the artificial be replaced by self-love and authentic expression.”
Vanessa says
Alexandra says
So all of the instability and sky high prices and threats of war floating around should “calm down” when the neutral field of creation is birthed within the field of existence. Sounds like great news to me.
Giovany acuna says
Thank YOU thank you Beloved Tina AND thank you Beloved Almine for everything
Mieke says
In Gratitude for sharing this dear Tina and Almine.
Vanessa says
Deeply greatful for this Tina and Almine….
There is always Hope!
So Sanfransisco is the seat (base is there?) of Artificial intelligence?
I understand now why there may be the threat of cacatclysimic destruction Ré Sanfransisco…
How will the OOs living the fields of Hope creating a Neutral Field effect this area?
Deepest Love Praise and Gratitude
Vanessa says
Ok, I realise Almine has already answered how creating a Neutral field will assist.
Please delete previous post if felt to Tina
Many thanks and my deep respect and love 💖
Denise Lines says
Thanks Tina………..I would love to know how Almine describes from a metaphysical point of view…”Artificial Intelligence”
Dhani says
Also now, Japan has started marketing the flying car. Soon to come to N. America. I have posted it on my FB page.