I have a home-based business that necessitates having humans come and go from my home. What do you suggest?
The Seer:
The light explosions should help a lot if you add a designated period of time at the end of the day to come home to yourself (to meditate, listen to the BVP music, or do the Arasatma protocol, etc., a spiritually uplifting exercise of your choice to reclaim your holy space). But if you’re running a home-based business, by all means, allow the humans in, but make it feel like a temple when they enter.
Seer’s Note: The music that I would recommend as background music throughout the day (even for periods when you’re not at home), is:
2. The music for the Sacred Breaths of Arasatma breathing exercises
3. The music that was created as preparation for doing the Shrihat Satva Yoga.
Would the 48 sound healing elixirs also be of great benefit?
We have noticed that the feeling in our house and surrounding area become more deeply still when we use the little vapour pot with the Sacred Space oil, alternating with Holy Sanctuary.
We no longer receive many people indoors but this certainly keeps our little grandson from bouncing off the walls as he tends to do elsewhere 🙃
Before whenever the atmosphere because off-centre, and generally at the end of the day, I played Almine calling in the Angel Gods of inner and outer space. Radical !
💙💜 thanks my LOVES 🩷🩷🩷🤍💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡🩵🩵🩵
Thank you very much for the question and answer! I, too, run a home-based business and was asking myself the same.