During a recent retreat with Almine, many interdimensional photos were taken. See our post of February 23, Silent Retreat Magic with Almine.
We are happy to share another!
Question: What is the large ball of light that was photographed at your recent silent retreat?
Almine’s Answer: It is a Lord of Light that was seen in the house during the retreat. It is a little known kingdom of the unseen realms, which I discussed in my book Secrets of the Hidden Realms. They can take on a humanoid form but in their natural state they appear as a bright, large ball of light with geometric patterns visible.
Jan says
Thank you Chayakorn! Good tip. The audio I mentioned was specifically made to help teach pronunciation by Almine b/c you can look in the BVP book at the words and listen to pronunciation simultaneously.
Gail Kleckner says
Can anyone please help me with finding exactly where I could find help with pronunciation of the language? I need more than the little bit offered on pg 8 of the Book of Spells. I understand that there is something more in-depth in the Belvaspata books but don’t know exactly which book and where; however I do not have any Belvaspata books (it is difficult to purchase everything).
So could anyone please direct me to where I might possibly find more in-depth pronunciation information and possible download it, if there is such a thing. Or at least advise me exactly in which Belvaspata book to find it.
Ever so GRATEFUL ~Gail
Jan says
Thank you for the questions Gail. The language used for the Spell Book is varied according to which kingdom we are dealing with: fairies, dragons, etc. All the kindgdoms have their own languages and Infinite language is used in the book.
The language of the Infinite is used for Belvaspata, the angelic healing modality of light and frequency. There have been several versions of the language during 3 different cycles, each version holding a specific frequency for that cycle. The MP3 audio downloadable file of Almine speaking Infinite language used for Belvaspata is available for free with purchase of any of the Belvaspata Angel Healing Volumes 1-3. The Belvaspata books contain a section on pronunciation of Infinite language titled “The Languages and Alphabet of the Infinite Mother” and include a table, which provides pronunciation of specific letters and combinations of letters. The language is very similar to pronunciation of German, other than the ‘v’ and ‘w’ are pronounced as they are in the English language, for example.
Chayakorn says
Dear Gail,
In 2012, there was a ceremony of reading sacred words of power, 100 statements given by the Infinite, featured in the Ring of Truth. The Infinite language pronunciation guide is included in the file used for the ceremony. Please visit this page:
The pdf file can still be found here:
I hope you enjoy this.
With blessings,
Chayakorn says
If you wish, you can also watch Almine speaking the Infinite language through the link below:
Lynette says
Wow – love this pic as working with the Lords of Light was special to me when using The Book of Spells. I still call upon them to help me understand new computer programs etc.
Miriam says
Wow, how amazing! And what an incredible light/colour in the room!