If you’ve ever considered attending a silent retreat with Almine, dreamed about it, or even attended such a retreat…we have some very good news for you! We have several spaces available for retreats through the end of 2016!
- Cost to register: USD$750.00 (your deposit holds your space).
- Balance due 8 weeks prior to retreat: $USD$1,250.00
- Total cost to attend: USD$2,000.00
- Included are light breakfast and lunch, plus shared accommodations (you may also stay at nearby hotels if you prefer).
Available dates are:
- September 19-23, 2016 – one space has very recently become available.
- November 7-11, 2016 – two spaces are available.
Experience the presence of beloved Almine and her personal daily blessings for you while establishing Silence of the Mind at this unique retreat. (See additional posts about Silence of the Mind on Almine Diary by typing it in the search box.) You can read more details about Silent Retreats with Almine here and if you have still have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly: jan@almine.net
May all resources manifest through you Dhani! And for myself also!
Silent retreats with Almine are a life-changing opportunity to spend a week in her presence, and that of other masters. Through silencing of the mind, participants are able to enter timelessness, and to become clear lenses for pivoting all life. If it is your heart’s pure desire to attend such a week, may it manifest through you, and in doing so, uplift all life.
Please allow Almine to read my name and perhaps she will agree to call me.
My name is : penny lalo singh karma chodzin shanna humma sat nam ping
I believe there is something we must do together. I am a friend of Hugh Reilly’s (ThatChannel-Toronto)
But I will soon be living on Mt. Elphinstone again.
Dhani, I do hope all resources materialize for you!
May all resources materialize for me to attend. ๐
And this is the most special and magical week to make it so. ๐
Dhani I hope you can attend. I will be there. It is going to be magical.