My dearest Lightfamily,
There is an area of our lives that we need to examine in order to see if we need to put it into balance and order.
In my travels to the far distant future, I was impressed that to that date, fifteen generations had passed since there had been war on Earth. There was no military and no police because there were no laws — the global population had become self-governing, a vital component in spiritual maturity. (Spiritual maturity produces the opaque apple green light that clears and prevents *mind control.)
It is the Original gods and goddesses among man who will make such a huge evolutionary shift for man possible, by living it now. If we are as sensitive to discerning the preferred, greater intrinsic values of things over that which is of lesser value, we will prevent ourselves from getting sucked back into the survival consciousness of man. It raises a red flag that our sensitive self-governing is not in place when my office has to continually “police” infringements on our copyrights, and pollution of the sacred principles we gave been given. In addition, hostility is usually leveled against those I hire to do this unpleasant and energy-draining task. The work is not a free-for-all for anyone to grab and exploit at will. So, let me once again spell out the obvious:
- Any artwork, no matter how artistic, isn’t a light elixir. Any music isn’t a sound elixir. Any fragrant oils mixed together without the alchemy and inter-dimensional work associated with it, isn’t fragrance alchemy. If your sensitivity cannot tell the difference, muscle test yourself with both. Layers of mystical techniques go into producing sound and light elixirs, rather than just pretty artwork. (I have taught Sergey in Russia how to make sound elixirs, and he uses that word with my permission).
- If what you offer the public is dependent on my work, you cannot just mix your own interpretations or your own work in (no matter how valid or useful) and then not even do me the courtesy of at least giving me noticeable credit as the originating source of the foundational principles and the images that I’ve created. For example, one website features my sigils placed over the digital artwork of someone else who is a student. To be perfectly clear: my sigils may only be used on my own artwork, nothing else is permissible.
- If you order a fragrance on behalf of one of our students (often long-term students), how can you think that because you got in the middle of the transaction that you are now entitled to 40% of the sales price? The student would have ordered from us regardless, and years of our work and money have gone into producing our student base.
My beloved ones, I would really like to support your journey of utilizing the sacred tools to earn a living. It pleases me greatly when you succeed – but not at the expense of being exploited. This continual need for “policing” should by now be obsolete. All you have to do is ask permission for use of our material or ask if you need help with copyright guidelines. We are here to advise, and in many cases, I would gladly let you use suitable portions of my art and music without any cost for your products.
Thank you for walking this journey with me.
In love and respect,
*The Power Wheel to Remove All Mind Control
I pray that none of your work be exploited from now on and whoever uses them for their personal gain will have to think twice before doing so as they will have no benefit from this misuse. I feel for you Almine as you are very generous and kind and your work is sacred and pure and is to be respected. It seems like we are going thru something similar these days that our kindness and generosity is being taken for granted and we are being exploited, it’s time to put our foot down and set some loving boundaries which you have already done above and so did I just two days ago. I hear you and I feel you.
Much love and blessings,
thank you for giving us the opportunity to follow you Almine. Somehow your post on FB are comming just at the rigtht time ( for me). You are like a clock for my soul. Calling in perfect timing – as its time to wake up!
It deeply saddens me that this is still an issue. On a personal note, as I read this message it resonates with me that I have work to do on feelings of lack (money and time) and the need to be seen (recognition). Thank you Almine. I will work on this immediately. And a special thank you to the A-Team for all that you do to support Almine, and us, on this journey.
I can feel your care and patience in this message, Almine. LPGST
Thank You Almine