Hello Beloved Light Family: Are you willing to reveal to yourself just how beautiful and powerful you truly are? If you know that you are to attend a silent retreat but rationalize that you cannot afford it or don’t have the time, I would say to you the time is now for you to go. I did attend and I would walk thousands of miles to do this again without hesitation if it was required of me. I just knew that I must do this and I did not know why, nor did I need to. If for one moment you feel that you are to attend a silent retreat with Almine, just surrender and commit to the journey. It is the most powerful place to be able to experience who you truly are…
~ Canadian student
With great Gratitude and much Love in my heart I share these words: The silent retreat with Almine was more than I ever imagined it to be. I signed up knowing it will be a life-altering experience but I had no idea how deeply I would feel it. I have been in several other retreats with Almine over the past five years; this was so different and more potent by far. Almine is an alchemist in the true sense of the word. I left the space feeling like I had shed my old self. To change what is without we must change within is one of the most powerful mystical notions, and Almine takes this into another level altogether through the power of silence. Almine’s metaphysical approach to mysticism is unsurpassed. I am so grateful to be able to experience first hand teachings from such a great mystic.
~ US student
No matter how many retreats that I have attended with Almine over the years, each one continues to top itself as the ‘best ever’! There is no expectation or agenda on my part of what might be accomplished, or what will happen so I find that the more I can surrender to silence in my mind and beingness – the more that I am able receive in return – and the more that Almine can accomplish with me, our group and through us, all Life. If you have ever thought of attending a retreat with Almine, don’t hesitate to do it now.
~ US student
Interested in attending a Private Silent Retreat with the Seer Almine? Check our website here.
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