The alchemy of the special oil, Holy Mother, is the anchor that will prevent our families from being led away from a path of wholesomeness. Continue reading→
Power Sigil To Bring Balance To The Masculine And Feminine Principles
This Sigil of Power is a free gift from two anonymous LightSisters.
Looking at the millennia of evolution of individuated creations, males and females have been created separately so that they can objectively study and learn from one another.
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The True Divine Feminine
The answer lies in the understanding of what the body is. Continue reading→
Mary Magdalene (Fake Feminine)
The Seer answers a question about the significance of Mary Magdalene within the global resurgence of the Divine Feminine. Continue reading→
Blossom of the Feminine
Like a flower opening, she turned from a girl to a young woman … Such a joy to me ~ Almine
The 144 Faceted Polyhedron Masculine and Feminine Fields
The 144 faceted polyhedrons that are the masculine and feminine fields…what exactly do they look like? It is easier for me to understand concepts if I can visualize them… Continue reading→
What Tragedy Can Teach Us
When a tragic mass shooting happens like that which just took place in Florida, the best thing we can do retrospectively, is to see and utilize the lessons we are meant to receive from the event… Continue reading→
Is the Guidance of the Heart Reliable?
I couldn’t wait to clarify with Almine the purpose of the Runes in integrating the outer and inner senses as they seem a bridge to clarify the issue of listening to “heart’s guidance”… See the Book of Runes here and Almine’s illuminating reply below. Question: What is the contribution and value of the Runes in… Continue reading→
Are the Masculine and Feminine Axis Fully Merged?
We recently had the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap – I asked Almine if we accomplished it. See our post of September 23, 2015 Our Evolutionary Leap (Blood Moon) for more details. Continue reading→
Merging the Masculine (Vertical) and Feminine (Horizontal)
“They cancel one another out, canceling out the prison bars of the old paradigms: the building blocks of life – the subatomic particles.” Continue reading→