We recently had the opportunity to make an evolutionary leap – I asked Almine if we accomplished it. See our post of September 23, 2015 Our Evolutionary Leap (Blood Moon) for more details.
Almine’s Answer: The full extent of the merging did not take place, even though the opportunity was presented, due to the prejudice humanity has against the feminine approach of accessing and processing the information we receive from our environment (see Journey to the Heart of God…. “Stalkers versus Dreamers”). It requires that enough lightworkers self-examine and overcome the misperception that we can influence our reality more through logic and reason, than through the guidance and pure frequencies of the heart.
Selma says
Interesting comments, especially Herwig’s question/observation, which I believe has so e validity.
From past experiences with Almine, we know that some things are not completed on the first attempt. Often, this is due to a divine timing mechanism, perhaps needing a multi-step process to ground a massive change. I expect this feminine/masculine merge will complete all in good time 🙂
Sakirah says
It happened within as I experienced it and saw it with my inner eye. All is well in all of creation.
Ally says
What if it did merge in some ways but she isn’t receptive or aware of where the energies merged?
Jan says
Thank you for your posts – of comments and questions. To clarify, Almine states: “The full extent of the merging did not take place…”. In other words, the merging of the masculine/feminine axis didn’t happen completely enough to accomplish ‘critical mass’ – though it did happen in some. Prejudice towards the ‘feminine’* way of thinking in a non-linear way still exists.
*Note: Use of ‘feminine’ is not gender related. See Journey to the Heart of God for more details about Stalkers/linear/masc way of being versus Dreamers/non-linear/fem way of being.
christel says
I wonder -with all Almine has given, what was learned?
Dhani says
Thank you Jan. We will continue to open our hearts to change reality.
maria arvanitidis says
I have faith in natures coping mechanism however unpleasant it might have to get for the masculine to ease off eventually then maybe no more decay disease nor death will plague over his reality of negotiations towards the degree of one’s own right to free will amongst us that was never meant to be compromised in the first place. LPGST
Lynette says
I will self examine through my heart rather than using tools such as runes,etc, to truly access my True Beingness and allow my heart frequencies to process for me. perhaps our New Years Eve event will play its part also in merging the masculine and feminine thru healing distorted emotions.
Jan says
The Runes are a tool to assist with merging the outer space/outer senses (masculine) with inner space/inner senses (feminine). Thus as a tool, the Rune cards assist in merging masculine and feminine aspects – they don’t block it. Thank you to everyone for your comments and questions – Almine’s replies will be posted in upcoming days!
Herwig says
What is the correct intellectual atitute for understanding Almine”s teaching? How can we start to feel it better in our heart and let it be digested by our belly so that finally we can ground the teaching and let it be a reality?
I see so many student being confused and struggling with Almine”s teachings and some making it a new kind of unbearable lightness of being.They keep on talking and repeating her words but when one looks at there life’s they keep on fighting with the same problems.
Sue B says
Yes – thank you for the update Jan, and I echo Christina’s Q re opportunity or process?? perhaps this may generate the call for another Retreat/gathering? LPGST
ChristinaT says
Absolutely through guidance and pure frequencies of the heart guides me over logic and reason….the beauty of living from the source of your inspiration. Do we have a sense of when the next opportunity would be?Thank you for the update. LGPT