I couldn’t wait to clarify with Almine the purpose of the Runes in integrating the outer and inner senses as they seem a bridge to clarify the issue of listening to “heart’s guidance”… See the Book of Runes here and Almine’s illuminating reply below.
Question: What is the contribution and value of the Runes in merging the masculine and feminine within?
Almine Answers: The answer to this will also answer an age-old question as to why the heart’s guidance has not always been reliable.
- The runes speak the language and bring the messages from our Inner Space.
- The heart’s guidance comes from the soul, or higher self.
- The masculine component of our psyche is that which interacts with our external experiences. The ‘soul’ (the feminine aspect of the masculine) has external experiences during the dream time and after death.
- The feminine component of the psyche experiences our inner reality (our Inner Space).
- Our soul (the feminine of the masculine) is hostile and competitive with its masculine, because it is diminished and deliberately ignored as it operates in the masculine’s arena on a day-by-day basis. Its anger can cause (sometimes deliberate) wrong answers.
- The true feminine has its own arena … The Inner Reality. Although it has experienced some neglect from the masculine, it’s self sovereignty has been unquestioned in its own reality. It can deliver reliable answers through inspiration because it can receive the Infinite Intent with its many subtle senses.
The use of the Runes initiates communication between the masculine and feminine of the person in preparation for the eventual full cooperation between inner and outer space … A deeply sacred and mystical union.
thanks for having posed this so very basic question for better understanding of the guidance of the heart and that of the Runes..Almine has given the answer for us to check on ourselves –
Thank you Jan and thank you Almine. 🙂 Wow.
Thank you Dear Jan for the postings concerning the Runes as well as the outcome of our last Ceremony. Indeed, reliable answers come from our Inner Reality and often ahead of time. Great Gratitude flows to Almine for these answers!
Nice work Jan – with the question.
Thank you Almine for these wonderful insights. Very helpful for our daily lives and work with the Runes. 🙂