I would not trust anything that speaks to me as an outside source and says, ‘I am your Higher Self’ – Almine In this selection from Day 4 of Ask Almine Anything 5, Almine addresses the question of our so-called “Higher Self”. Ask Almine Anything 5: http://www.alminewisdom.com/products/ask-almine-anything-5
Transcendence: Experience Without Pain
Almine touches upon the three stages of linear change, and the ‘capstone’ of change: transcendence. In transcendence we travel up the pranic tube to access the higher realities, as detailed in the mystical sigil of The DNA Rose. This is the 8th video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s… Continue reading→
Inspiration & Eternal Regeneration
“Life is never successful when we are not fully present…” In this video Almine identifies the purified subconscious as the roots through which we draw our inspiration – for our self-sustenance and eternal regeneration. This is the 7th video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013.
It’s Your Treasure Chest
Almine illustrates the true function of the purified subconscious as the source of our inspiration, self-guidance and oracular abilities. This is the 6th video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013. Almine’s ‘big question’ online course – Ask Almine Anything 5 – continues in October 2013:… Continue reading→
There is Nothing to Know, Everything to Question
“When we realize that it doesn’t matter whether we understood something or not, life is beauty, it isn’t made up of duty. We don’t have to connect the dots. Because it’s an endless journey of no beginning and no end. All there is, is joyous discovery.” – Almine In this video, Almine speaks of the… Continue reading→
Resurrecting Wild Woman
“We must resurrect Wild Woman and stir within us – through a deliberate choice of perspective – the adventure… The sense of adventure comes from a choice. And the choice is that we choose to look at life not as a burden, not as a hardship, not as a maze that we have to find… Continue reading→
Kundalini & the Book of Revelation
Almine speaks of the “bottomless pit” in the Book of Revelation, and its physical manifestation: Kundalini. She also reveals the true function of elimination. This is the third video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013. http://www.spiritualmastery.com/ask-almine-anything/ http://www.alminewisdom.com/collections/godhood
Magic and the Toltec Warrior
Almine discusses the archetypal roles of the Sage and the Warrior in the reality of magic. This is the second video in Almine’s discourse Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld, recorded at the Shamanic Women’s Retreat in September 2013. http://www.spiritualmastery.com/ask-almine-anything/ http://www.alminewisdom.com/collections/godhood
Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld
Almine begins her discourse on the reclamation of the cosmic underworld – the subconscious mind – by elaborating on the realities and subpersonalities of Pristine Humanity and the God Kingdom. She also explains the importance of ‘the big questions’, asked by lightworkers and truth seekers, in steering the direction of life. This is the first… Continue reading→
Beliefs Are Your Jail Cell
In elaboration on the Realms of Magic – the outer three rings of our DNA to which mind has hitherto inhibited our access – Almine relays a brief message from an angel who identified the geometry of belief systems as that which traps awareness. Recorded during the Shamanic Men’s Retreat 2013; complete video featured in… Continue reading→