As a result of genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki from Nibiru and beings from Antares, humanity inherited two distinct glands around the eyes. Having knowledge of this, the Ancient Egyptians would denote these points in their eye make-up as reminder, for they knew these points permitted for them clairaudience and clairvoyance. But these points are… Continue reading→
Romney and the Mormon Agenda
Join us in a little chat we had with Almine as she indulges our curiosity regarding the 2012 presidential elections. She discloses the connection between candidate Romney and the larger agenda at hand, including the possible fulfillment of a Mormon prophecy.
Who To Vote For: the Seer Almine on the 2012 Election
Election Day is coming. Do you know who you are voting for? As the cosmos is making its shift to higher level of life, we find the official government of the United States in a potential shift as well. Just how critical are these candidates and what roles do they play in the grand scheme… Continue reading→
A Celebration of the End of Time
Almine in Belgium 2012 December 14, 15 & 16 As the end of 2012 approaches, we stand upon the Disc of Life where we must once again face the ghosts created by the passage of linear time. In previous attempts, lightworkers have tried to raise the consciousness of others. We have found that this has… Continue reading→
Crucified by Matrices
In this video, recorded last week at a private retreat, Almine explains how the frame of the matrix, having four sides, acts as the four directions that work to crucify you. As the original four sides of the frame started seeing themselves as separate, the four directions were created: the physical, the soul and the… Continue reading→
Releasing Ancient Trauma: Becoming Heralds of Hope
NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO On the 5th day of the Shamanic Retreat 2012, Almine spoke about releasing ancient trauma, defining it as a psychic impression, an electric charge that is best released while grounding yourself in the Earth. In this video she details the sequence to follow, and also touches upon some of the trauma of… Continue reading→
Trauma-induced Mind Control in Children and Cosmos
Almine discusses trauma-induced mind control both on the cosmic scale and in the context of governments and parents that use such techniques to compartmentalize the minds of children so they may be used as sex slaves. BACKGROUND: According to Almine: body, soul and spirit are levels of life that, in themselves, are unreal. Body is… Continue reading→
Disney Mind Control: Snow White
As part of a wider discussion* on the subliminal and overt mind control in Disney movies, Almine looks at ‘Snow White’ as an example of the ‘over-polarization of the sexes’ stereotypes that are promoted: ultra-feminine and ultra-masculine. *Recorded at the Shamanic Men’s Retreat 2012 1st post today
9/11 Occult Ritual: Blood, Gold And Emotion
Fresh from the Shamanic Men’s Retreat 2012! Almine describes the occult technique for ‘the triangulation of reality’ used by the Anunnaki and the Aztec. It involves the components of blood sacrifice, gold and emotion, and she illustrates this principle with a more familiar example: the 9/11 Twin Towers. 2nd post today