Election Day is coming. Do you know who you are voting for? As the cosmos is making its shift to higher level of life, we find the official government of the United States in a potential shift as well. Just how critical are these candidates and what roles do they play in the grand scheme of things? Almine sheds light on what they reflect in us.
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
The statement “government of the people, by the people, for the people” is often used by Americans without their having a full understanding of the depth of its meaning. As the individual changes, a chain-reaction is set in place that changes his whole world. This fundamental law of existence, that the one effects the many and the many effect the one, is irrefutable. The truth that true government is the result of self-government is an inevitable conclusion. – Almine
2nd Post Today
Thank-you Almine…I Love that you speak of all that is presented to you …Absolutely we need to hear about the Government from such a high perspective. This perspective has value and is valued…Fearless perspective in Love and Light…All is well…I Love , Bless, Adore and Welcome Thee Beloved Sister Almine… Victory is Imminent…Sunessenia
“Well, what I’ve learned from Almine’s teachings more than anything else is that anything that sparks a strong feeling/reaction/knee jerk reaction within me, is something I need to resolve. Usually something I believe has power over me and my well being and am afraid of. An illusion I’m subconsciously holding on to. These reactions are the keys to our freedom, as unpleasant as they can be to face.”
Yes, it is SO true! I see it everyday. May all of us have the courage to see what needs to be let go of and to embrace our true nature — of this I pray. Peace and love to you too, Patricia!
OOPS! irrefutably not unrefutably. 🙂
Almine said that if Romney gets into the presidency, the country will be just fine… then she repeats and ends the talk with “ALL will be fine.” She also says: “to prevent yourself from voting for Obama…” and only afterwards, she clarifies what she means — but only AFTER making that statement. HMMMM… Even though she mentioned that it is up to us as to how Obama or Romney will function, I still think that her choice of words and how they are formed unrefutably reveals a bias on her part.
Obama challenge: soul infiltration. A puppet.
Remedy (if Obama becomes president): we must live a poetic perspective; realize that we don’t die if the soul should leave, etc.
Romney challenge: spirit infiltration; U.S. will be governed by the incredibly self-interested, corrupt, and wealthy Mormon Church — not the man Romney. Presented that way, it sounds like Romney is a puppet, too. Why didn’t Almine use the word puppet for Romney?
Remedy (if Romney becomes president): Dream your dreams but with clarity by living the eternal perspective.
HMMM.. It’s probably much more likely that more people can live a poetic perspective and say adios to the soul than live the eternal perspective — which, to me, sounds like only a few U.S. citizens can do that at this point.
Advice: Almine, please don’t do talks like this one. It’s way too worldly and unnecessary in your work. Frankly, it really DOES sound like you are endorsing Romney. Your choice of words, the timing, a phrase thrown in, little twists here and there. It may not be conscious, but it does come through. I’m disappointed and sad.
Dear Diane, I have held the belief for most of my life that no matter what goes on in the government, my reality will be affected by it only to the extent that I allow it to be via my belief systems, understanding that this is all just a play on the stage of life.
Now as far as the play goes, and having an opinion about the screenplay, I like Romney as the better choice for how I’d like to see the play unfold, all the while, aware that this is just a play, and has no real effect on the reality of my existence.
As far as the script, I think this would be a fun and refreshing change. But if it goes the other way, I am not concerned
am not concerned because my focus is to live by the poetic perspective.
I value Almine’s perspective and in this case, I did not take it as her being biased at all, but rather an analysis of the pros and cons. Whether she made the statement at the end or not regarding all will be fine with Romney, it would not have changed my feeling on the matter. We all have to go within and come to our own conclusions. This is something Almine always promotes.
That’s what I appreciate about her teachings so much. I know that I do not have to accept anything that does not feel right within, and there is no need to judge her or myself for it.
Poetic perspective – Obama
Eternal perspective – Romney
I’m not even sure what the eternal perspective is. I just don’t get it yet. The women at the Women’s Retreat obviously have tasted it, but Almine was there to guide them through it. You, all the others, and I better “get it” if Romney is elected. That’s what she basically said. I will ask Neils and Rogier to talk about it on Awakening from the Dream.
Politics needs to be left out of these discussions. It feels like pollution, mud, the past — too many strings and erratic electrical charges in the air.
Time to write a poem, make up new songs of praise, gaze at the clouds, commune with a stone, and breathe out the disturbance of political talk.
A miracle happened today and I am so grateful for it. That is real, none of this political talk is.
Well, what I’ve learned from Almine’s teachings more than anything else is that anything that sparks a strong feeling/reaction/knee jerk reaction within me, is something I need to resolve. Usually something I believe has power over me and my well being and am afraid of. An illusion I’m subconsciously holding on to. These reactions are the keys to our freedom, as unpleasant as they can be to face.
Peace and Love
Without words
Deep communion starbusts of change
In deep respect for the earth and the cosmos walk my little staps
With all of you experiencing different Infinite possibilitis
Joy it gives and gratitude to Almine
My being is my substenance
As I looked at the big letters above the video and they became sort of blurry…for the moment I saw : Vote for Almine Elections 2012 ! I guess I was in other reality for the moment.
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva. From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth, to share gifts of luminosity.
The government must be the inclusive government of the One Life.
To read more information about the decree stated above, I invite you to read the document from Almine’s online course called Science of Immortality, Day 25, Gods of the Nazca Plains. On page 226, you will find the following decree accompanied by a sacred wheel:
The government must be the inclusive government of the One Life.
The decree and the sacred wheel pertain to all levels of life experience including government, finance and religion.
There are many communities that will be hosting elections now and in the future. I hereby intend that the individuals who are elected to positions of government, finance and religion be in alighnment with the sacred wheel and its accompanying decree:
The government must be the inclusive government of the One Life.
May the Oneness that has had no beginning flow through me, enhancing life.
Adoration in Action,
We often put up with the dysfunctional and the unacceptable as though we do not deserve better, thereby dishonoring the divinity that expresses through our life. -The Tone of Uncompromising Divinity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Honoring diversity does not entail inviting those who embrace density into our lives. The difference in consciousness will produce discomfort for all involved. -The Tone of Honoring Diversity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Greatness requires solitude. Mediocrity is fed by the communion of the masses. To be outstanding one cannot run with the pack. – Tone of Contented Solitude, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Genius continually surpasses itself. Effortless knowing is its vehicle. Do not hold on to past standards. -Shrihat Satva Yoga
The master practices and lives the wisdom he knows. The incorruptible one realizes there is nothing to know and with abandon allows life to unfold. – Alchemists Reflection Qi Vesta
Memory is that which perpetuates the mediocrity of the past.- Almine
Success and abundance are the only constants in life. – 136 Asanahu The 144 Principles of Abundance
Illusion falls away this moment without even an echo remaining.- Infinite’s Book of Life
Minach imnash uskave: know nothing -Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death
Accepting the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional – Almine
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva. From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth, to share gifts of luminosity.
The government must be the inclusive government of the One Life- Gods of the Nazca plains, Science of Immortality day 25
Encentanaa Urechspi. Estrawaa.
Kasaa unee haanaa ssisit klatvee.
In self sovereignty all is conquered.
From the Tools of Freedom from Mind control and the effects of Nanotechnology pg 123 Interstellar Mysticism.
wow! I have been torn about voting. I don’t like to vote because I don’t want to participate in the “game”.. so I’ve been really “hoping” Romney will win (which is probably participating anyway! ).. Obama totally seems like a puppet to the secret government to me.. and that he would do a lot more damage than good if re-elected. I like how Romney wants to re-empower US citizens, rather than dis-empower them by making them reliant on government for so many things as Obama thinks is best. That just produces a country of sheep. Talk about mind control. So yes, Romney!!
Thank you for sharing!
Re-listen to the audio — carefully. I think you missed the point.
I have suggested that Almine reconsider making such audios. She can speak of soul and spirit infiltration and their remedies without going into the political arena. Political talk throws people into duality faster than anything.
Patricia, listen again without looking for validation of your already chosen viewpoint.