It has been the time of sorting the third from the two thirds; those who are left behind and those who are moving ahead — a new underworld is forming. Continue reading→
Confined To The Underworld
Do you mean these demons will be confined to the underworld so that they don’t enter the human world again? Continue reading→
The Portal That Opened
A similar situation has recently happened (as I described in my previous text about the crude people that have arrived in the midst of humanity). Continue reading→
As Heaven Became Hell
In January of 2015, I was in the Lower Underworld for five weeks. In August of 2019, I began a journey in the “Upper Heavens” for five weeks. Continue reading→
The End of the Subconscious
The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) has in my experience proven to be a highly potent ‘time of reckoning’. It’s a time of planetary purging. During the Moscow retreat the hugely significant event of the dissolving of the underworld… Continue reading→
The Underworld / Subconscious Cleansed & Dissolved
During this past weekend the Underworld was cleansed and dissolved and so too the subconscious of man that has controlled most of our actions. Continue reading→
Lower Underworld Refugee Update
What has happened to the refugees from the lower underworld? Continue reading→
Housecleaning Your Lower Subconscious
Almine shares her experience in receiving the revelation art for the upcoming Book of Mantras. She explains the artwork’s degree of abstraction, and its purpose in housecleaning the lower subconscious. Continue reading→
Soul World Demons (Pt. 2)
Here are the answers to the issues and questions raised by the attempts of demons from the now closed down soul world trying to enter into the physical reality… Continue reading→
What is Going On Cosmically? (Soul World Demons Pt. 1)
I was getting ready to make a bank deposit yesterday and do some errands …suddenly I was overcome with fatigue. I could barely stay awake. Is something going on cosmically?… Continue reading→