The Seer:
How an underworld is created as a realm in which those who embody darkness dwell, is that with an evolutionary change of a planetary population, two thirds move into a higher realm and one third is left behind. To absorb the darkness is a significant contribution to the ability of the two thirds to move ahead, or else the unresolved issues of the lower reality would drag everyone down and centuries of hardship for all would be necessary to resolve every challenge the lower reality required resolution for. Those of high consciousness can hold more light, but they are also the ones who can hold more darkness.
Seer’s Note:
That is why A Life of Miracles describes the opening of the gates of the underworld as, “setting free the elite of the cosmos”.
It has been the time of sorting the third from the two thirds; those who are left behind and those who are moving ahead — a new underworld is forming. Do not try to save them, nor judge them, they are fulfilling their destiny. Just trust in the fairness of an equitable Infinite Being.
This powersigil is the gift from a lightsister
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Am very grateful that the two thirds have released the need to save, that they shall prosper and flourish in a much higher reality . 🙏🏻🙏🏻💛💛
Deeply grateful for this service from the 1/3rd…the world will feel better.
A great service indeed.
With LPGTH to the Infinite One
In surrendered Trust,
With Gratitude for this sacred Power Sigel 💟